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May 12, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes



Shawn Davis - President
April Torgerson – Vice President
Liz Torgerson - Member
Cory Anderson - Member
Randy Shelley – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator

Absent: Curtis Whipple – Member

Conducting: Shawn Davis


Shawn Davis called the meeting to order. 

Pledge of Allegiance.

Reverence is offered by Shawn Davis.

April makes a motion to approve the minutes from 4/14/2021. Cory seconds the motion. All in favor.


Tyler reviews the health plan renewal rate for FY22. He then talks about ESSER III funds and says that information is still pending, including allowable uses. He mentions the Small Rural Schools payment and an agreement with a car dealership that will allow the district to purchase a new vehicle each year for an ongoing annual cost of $1,200.

April makes a motion to pay the bills. Liz seconds. All in favor.


Melissa Daley advocates for splitting the 3rd grade class next year. She expresses concern about teacher support, class sizes, and the goals of the district. She mentions the BTS/Reading Intervention teaching position that will be funded out of trust lands. She is excited to send her child to the middle school because of what she has heard. She closes by asking for a prioritization of early childhood education through reduced class sizes.

Beth Peisner has concerns with the lack of transparency for the big picture plans for the school district. She feels uninformed and ignored. She supports change but would like a vision of what to support. She expresses concern about the lack of communication and effects of rumors on district morale.

Roma Roderick expresses criticism of the Superintendent. She says Wayne County has a horrible record of firing and hiring people. She would like hiring to be done within the county and would like to know the reasons for recent changes. 

Diena Riddle says that job applicants should be evaluated by their qualifications. She says it was a surprise that a principal was hired when others were more qualified. 


High School Report

Paxton Davis speaks about the growth of the students. She talks about extracurricular and citizenship activities. She introduces a video that highlights some of the things that have been happening at the high school this year. 

Mary Bray recognizes a few students who have succeeded in their respective areas. Mary talks about the support that they give each other and expresses her thanks for those who have been a part of this. 

Tax Rates & Draft Budget

Tyler talks about the certified tax rate and truth in taxation. He recommends returning the voted tax rate up to what was originally approved. The rate was automatically adjusted down a few years ago and no one caught it. 

Shawn talks about the condition of the schools and says we are in conversations to figure out a way to renovate existing or build new facilities. 

Tyler shows a comparison of tax rates across the districts and discussion proceeds on how to address facility needs with taxes or bonds. There are questions regarding how the various levies work and what effect an increase would have on property owners. Estimates for renovation and new construction are discussed as well as our capital reserve fund. The consensus is that community feedback is needed before making a decision.

Community members comment on having more information, a 7-12 school, and the need to maintain buildings.

A work meeting will be held on June 2nd at 6 pm to discuss options.


Superintendent Shelley recognizes Jan Brown for her 22 years of service in the school district. He expresses thanks for what she has done in the community and for the kids. April expresses thanks to Jan and says that the kids love her. Jan thanks her family and the school district for their support.

Randy recognizes Mary Bray for 21 years of service in the school district. He shows gratitude for what she has done and wishes her well in retirement. April says how many kids have benefited from her math teaching.

Superintendent talks about how Coral provided daycare for his children when they initially lived in Wayne County. He says that he has gotten to know Coral very well because of her work in the district office. He thanks her for 25 years of service. 

Randy also mentions the retirement of Lynda Brown, Neva Pace, Hope Hooley, and Scott Ellett.

Board Meeting adjourns for a break. The meeting resumes at 7:31 pm.

Superintendent’s Report

Randy talks about assessments that are happening right now. The middle school achieved 81% proficiency at the 6th grade level in science. 

The improvement committee will be holding an end of year social this Friday. 

He attended the high school band concert and said it was a great event and mentions the upcoming middle school concert. He also discusses upcoming graduation events.

Board Training

Future trainings will be done with existing USBA or audit trainings outside of board meeting.


June Board Meeting Date

Regular school board meeting will be moved to June 16th at 6 pm.

Trust Land Plans

April makes a motion to approve trust land plans for 2021-2022. Cory seconds. All in favor.

Textbook Adoption

Discussion on a new history curriculum provided by SAVVAS.

April makes a motion to approve the new textbook for 2021-2022. Cory seconds. All in favor.


First Reading

April makes a motion to table policy BL-Administrative Personnel. Cory seconds. All in favor.

Second Reading

Cory makes a motion to waive third reading and approve policies CEB-District Emergency Response Plan, CJ-Transportation, CJAA-Transportation Planning and Funding Funding, CJAB-Transportation Planning and Funding Evaluation, CJAC-Transportation Planning and Funding route Planning, CJAD-Transportation Planning and Funding School Site Selection, CJBA-Transportation Personnel Director of Transportation, CJBB-Transportation Personnel Operators and Mechanics, CJBC-Transportation Personnel Training, CJCA-Transportation Equipment Buses, CJCB-Transportation Equipment Inspection and Maintenance, CJDA-Transportation Operations Communication, CJDB-Transportation Operations Pupil Management, CJDC-Transportation Operations Lights and Railroad Crossings, CJDD-Transportation Operations Emergencies, CJDG-Transportation Operations Electronic and Telecommunications Devices. Liz seconds. All in favor.  

New Hires

Cory makes a motion to approve the new hires. April seconds. All in favor.
Carrie Brinkerhoff – SPED Aide/File Manager
Kaylin Fillmore – Assistant Volleyball Coach
Lori Saunders – Math aide WMS

Employee Separations

Liz makes a motion to approve employee separations. April seconds. All in favor.
Tess Heredia – Aide
Abraham Heredia - Aide 


April makes a motion to go into closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 7:51 pm.  Cory seconds.

Shawn Davis – Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
April Torgerson – Yes
Liz Torgerson - Yes

Open meeting resumes at 10:02 pm

Shawn adjourns the meeting at 10:02 pm.

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