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February 12, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes



Curtis Whipple – President 
Cory Anderson – Vice President 
April Torgerson –Member
Shawn Davis – Member
Jeff Chappell – Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator

Conducting: Curtis Whipple


Curtis Whipple called the meeting to order. 

Cory makes a motion to go into closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 4:00 pm. Shawn seconds.

Curtis calls for a vote.

Shawn Davis – Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
Curtis Whipple – Yes
April Torgerson – Yes
Jeffrey Chappell - Yes

Open session resumes at 5:00 pm.

Curtis adjourns the meeting for dinner.

Open meeting resumes at 6:00 pm

Curtis welcomes everyone and leads the pledge of allegiance. Shawn offers a reverence.


April makes a motion to approve minutes. Shawn seconds. All in favor. No opposed.

Curtis opens it up for public comments on school fees. Some discussion about legislation that is in process right now. This would remove all curricular fees, phased out 25% each year over 4 years. 

Chylene Whipple asks about why some of the fees are so high. Curtis explains that we are required to charge fees in accordance with how much an activity costs. Fundraisers could and likely will offset these totals. 

Superintendent Fahey discusses the limit of $5,000 in student fees per student. This also limits activities to 5 per student, including in-state trips and one out-of-state trips. Because of fee-waivers, we could be responsible for this amount. He asks how many activities we should limit it to. 

Cindy Wilkins asks a question about someone who wanted to go on additional trips and is willing to pay. Curtis responds that we have to treat all children the same, whether they are fee-waiver or not. There is discussion about who would be eligible to go to national trips. 

Chylene comments that the band fee should not be charged if they are not renting an instrument.

Curtis explains that 6th grade fees will be eliminated completely with the new law. He continues that this will be the maximum that can be charged. 


Shawn makes a motion to pay A/P. April seconds it. All in favor.

Tyler conducts a financial review. He is beginning to look at the budget and will be reaching out to the finance committee soon. Until this point, there hasn’t been much information disseminated. 

Curtis asks why board compensation line in the budget is higher than the total amount possible per our policy. Tyler says he will look into it. He is not sure why it was set up that way. Later in the meeting he responds that it was because of the insurance in-lieu-of for one of the board members.


Chylene thanks the board for coming. Cindy brings up the art exhibit in the school. 


Superintendent goes over the state provided security system. They are still running behind schedule and will let us know when they are ready. He brings up late start, which was a resolution passed by the state for school districts to consider this. He covers the various options and asks if it is something that we would want to consider.

April responds that she doesn’t think it is something we would want to do because it would cause kids to get home late. Moving to a full-day on Friday would also be a difficult adjustment. Cindy and Jan comment that Hanksville kids would be getting home extremely late. Jeff states that it would also create problems for parents. Shawn comments that this responsibility for kids to get sleep is on the parents. There is some consensus that this would not work for our district. 

Superintendent covers the school board meeting with Senator Okerlund and Representative Lyman during the legislative session this Friday. Superintendent provided feedback on possible one-time money from the state. The priority was moving the office in the high school.

Curtis asks for committee reports from the facilities committee. He explains the project to citizens present regarding the locker-room projects at WMS and WHS. The board reviews the plans proposed. The middle school is mostly an update. The high school is more of a remodel. After speaking with the administrator and Athletic Director, the feedback was that we needed additional storage. The option that was chosen was the one with more storage and a combined therapy room. The locker room configuration will have a 6-stack next to a 2-stack. This will provide 152 lockers on each side. There are also two toilets in each locker room and countertops. The bathroom that is between both bathrooms will be a gender-neutral/coaches/family bathroom. It will be a bathroom with shower. 

Cory asks about where the officials will change. He suggests some options for facilitating things for officials. Cory says that there is a concern that we can’t host larger events because of the size of our facilities. He asks how these plans help with that issue. Cory would like to have additional locker-rooms to accommodate tournaments. Chylene asks why we couldn’t have teams go between our two existing gyms. Some discussion on other school configurations compared to ours. Curtis states that this issue was not brought up in our meeting with the architects and administrators. Tyler says that the intent was to make the existing locker-rooms more useful for our kids. Curtis states that there is not space there to do this. Cory proposes adding two additional locker-rooms toward the parking lot. Curtis states that this project needs to be done, regardless of what we decide to do in the future with other projects. 

Curtis mentions that the timeline for this project is that we do not go out for bid for this summer. It would be ready to bid this fall for next summer construction.  

Curtis asks for a committee report from the Ad Hoc committee.  Cory says that he should be able to meet a March deadline of having the roles, responsibilities, and goals available for the next meeting. He will email them out before board meeting for members to review.

Curtis proposes to form a new committee in light of feedback given to the board. The committee will be an action committee focused on improvement of the Wayne County School District. He explains that the board commits to be united, to stop negativity in all communication, focus on the positive, look and recognize good in our district, and not point out and hammer on things that are wrong.

Curtis will draft a letter recognizing the commitment to our student. It will explain that the board has heard feedback and they will act on it, including steps that the board will take to improve things. He also asks each individual to ask what they can do to make things better. Each person needs to commit to this. He reiterates that we want Wayne School District to be the best in the state. The Board is committed to make this the best district in the state.

The committee would set goals, develop plans, and implement strategies and follow-up. The committee would consist of the Board President and Shawn Davis, the Superintendent, Business Administrator, School Administrators, a number of teachers, representation from classified staff, and representation from district staff.  Tyler will be tasked with identifying misinformation and promoting a climate of learning. Each month we will have a report from this committee and the board will act on anything presented. 

Chylene states that people at the state level respect our school board. Curtis appreciates the comment and says there is still room for improvement. 

Cory states that there has been a lot of work on this board to develop those relationships at the state level. Curtis has been instrumental in getting our voice at the state level. Shawn serves on the JLC and Cory is part of the UHSAA board. Curtis has spent a lot of time at the capitol building nurturing these relationships with these people. Cory states that he is a bit disappointed that some people don’t see what the board is doing. He says that many things can be changed by having one person stand up and make their voice heard. Curtis was heavily involved in keeping CUES. Cory thanks Curtis for all the work he is doing. 

Superintendent reads that a law was passed that our regional service center will become an LEA and receive the same funding through the same source as our districts. April comments that connections are made by going to meetings for school board members. At times, the board is given grief for going to these, but the board is committed to making these connections. Cory echoes this and states that the board will report on the things they learn. April says that teachers are also expected to go out and get further education in a like manner. 

Curtis asks for reports from the School Community Council members. April went to the Loa council. Cherie states that they discussed budget needs and how they would want to use Trust Lands. Cory suggest that small districts would benefit from using Land Trust money for facility projects. This feedback would have to come from the SCC and go through the legislature. 

Curtis moves onto the Superintendent search. Curtis has had a few ideas presented to him, and has spoken with the USBA leadership. One of those was to share a superintendent with Piute or another small district. When this was brought up, it was quickly shot down. There are serious complications with this option. 

The superintendent states that there are 9 school districts looking for a superintendent. Curtis responds to a citizen comment that we will be looking for applicants. Cory states that it is the board’s intent to get a search going. Jeff states that a nationwide search was not productive. A statewide search would be ideal.  

Jeff asks about a timeline. Curtis says he could meet with our USBA representative tomorrow. Cory says we should move quickly. Tyler asks about sending out a job posting of our own. 

Cory asks if by posting outside of our district, are we suppressing those within our district. The board agrees to open it up both locally and outside of the district. The board discusses posting something on our website and decides to post as soon as possible and go through USBA for the formal announcement of position.


Cory addresses the travel policies addressed by the Ad Hoc Committee. Superintendent mentions that in policy BBG, the itemized accounting for each board member is state code and can’t be removed. Policies CKB and CKC were combined (CKC will be removed). Tyler asks if we could combine CKB and DMD. One policy mentions per-diem reimbursements, one references actual costs. The Superintendent suggests that we should do per-diem for both board members and employees. He also recommends using the state policy of paying $.38/mile if a vehicle is available and $.58/mile if not available. Tyler suggests that there needs to be clarification on timeline of travel and when a hotel would be paid for by the district. Cory responds that when he travels for UHSAA, if travel is required before 7 am, the organization will pay for a hotel. The superintendent mentions weather conditions with traveling and being lenient in those situations. The safety of our employees in travel needs to be considered.

The Superintendent asks if board members are compensated by their committees for additional work meetings. Sometimes they are but sometimes they are not. Cory suggests that our policy should cover the gap when the other organization will not cover that travel. Curtis states that the USBA policy says that they won’t reimburse expenses if you are already going to be somewhere, but they will for a specific trip related to their business. He suggests that when another organization compensates a board member for a meeting, the district should not compensate for that same meeting.

More discussion over what will or will not be reimbursed. Cory brings up that Curtis travels up north 11 times for board meeting, in addition to regular meetings. Curtis suggests the policy verbiage needs to be clear.  The superintendent asks what the mileage limit should be for within district travel. There is nothing currently in the policy. Cory suggests that it should be 50 miles round-trip for reimbursement. This is only in reference to board member travel, but it needs to be fair district-wide. Jeff comments that we need to do what is reasonable. It can’t be looked upon that the board is helping themselves more than employees. 

The Superintendent mentions that any time the compensation schedule changes for board members, there has to be two public hearings. 

Cory makes a motion to table policies BBG, CKB, DMD to the next board meeting. Jeff seconds the motion. All in favor. 

The superintendent covers first reading policies.

DDB Reporting of Student Prohibited Acts – changes electronic cigarettes to an electronic cigarette product.

FF Student Activities - changes electronic cigarettes to an electronic cigarette product and adds grade criteria for eligibility.

FGD Interrogations and Searches - states electronic cigarette products can be confiscated and disposed of if found during search. Strip searches are seldom warranted and shall not be conducted without prior consultation with District administration. The board agrees that we should not do strip searches.

FHA Safe Schools - “Tobacco products” includes an electronic cigarette or electronic cigarette product.

FHAE Disruptive Student Behavior Possession – changes verbiage to control, or use of an electronic cigarette or electronic cigarette product.

FHAG Tobacco and Electronic Cigarettes - Defines “Electronic cigarette product” as an electronic cigarette, an electronic cigarette substance, or a prefilled electronic cigarette.

FI Student Fees Fines and Charges – Updates definition of Textbooks, Instructional Equipment, Instructional Supplies, School Equipment and School Day. Adds that, “In project-related courses, projects required for course completion shall be included in the course fee.”

1.    After the annual adoption of the fee schedule, the Board may amend the fee schedule by following the process described in the preceding paragraph (other than the April 1 deadline).

2.    The Board may establish a reasonable number of activities, courses, or programs that will be covered by the annual maximum fee amount.

3.    The Board may charge a fee related to a student’s enrollment in supplemental kindergarten.

GC Community Use of School Facilities - Tobacco, electronic cigarettes (and electronic cigarette products), intoxicating drinks, and boisterous conduct are expressly prohibited.

GCA Conduct on School Premises - The use of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, and electronic cigarette products is prohibited on school property or at school activities.

GCD Political Party Use of School Facilities - Tobacco, electronic cigarettes (and electronic cigarette products), intoxicating drinks, and boisterous conduct are expressly prohibited.

GF Fundraising and Donations - If the District accepts a donation, it shall prevent potential inequities in schools within the District in distributing the donation.

Shawn motions to approve first reading of policies DDB, FF, FGD, FHA, FHAE, FHAG, FI, GC, GCA, GCD, GF. April seconds the motion. All in favor. 

The Superintendent reviews the School Board Meeting Calendar. The June board meeting will be moved to June 17th

Cory makes a motion to approve the 2020-2021 School Board Meeting Calendar. April seconds it. All in favor. 

Cherie comments that Superintendent Fahey worked well with administrators to design the school district calendar.  

April makes a motion to approve Wayne School District 2020-2021 calendar, Draft 1-5. Cory seconds the motion. All in favor. 

Superintendent mentions that there is no change in the sex ed curriculum.

Cory makes a motion to approve the sex education curriculum. Shawn seconds the motion. All in favor.

Cory makes a motion to approve new hires. Shawn seconds. All in favor. 

April makes a motion to approve employee separations. Jeff seconds. All in favor.

Curtis adjourns the meeting.


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