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January 15, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes



Curtis Whipple – President 
Cory Anderson – Vice President 
April Torgerson –Member
Shawn Davis – Member
John Fahey – Superintendent
Tyler Newton – Business Administrator
Conducting: Curtis Whipple

Absent: Jeffery Chappell – Member


Curtis Whipple called the meeting to order. He welcomed everyone and the meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a reverence by April.


Cory makes a motion to approve minutes. April seconds. All in favor. No opposed.


Cory motions to approve expenditures. April seconds the motion. All in favor.

Tyler gives a review of financials. He mentions that we have received our main property tax payment. He also talks about Nikki, who has been given time to work on finding and writing grants for the district. 


Mary Bray comments that on Feb. 3rd at 6pm, the high school will have a speaker come to talk about 30/30 – doing 30 good things for 30 people in 30 days. It is encouraged that both students and parents attend.

Ashlee Jackson comments about the desire for some community members for another gym as part of the facilities plan. The current ones are overbooked and it is hard to get gym time for younger kids because of the community events. 

April suggests that this might be good to take up with the county commissioners if it is a community need.


Superintendent Fahey covers his travel calendar. He also discusses that the security system installation was delayed until January 20th. Curtis mentions that there was some concern about the demand on technology staff for maintenance. Andrea addresses this concern and states that it will not require additional time or staffing.

The next school board meeting is February 12th. It will be a school visit to Hanksville, beginning at 2 pm.  

Superintendent covers school report cards. Due to problems with the testing, they did not issue a letter grade. Loa elementary had typical achievement with low growth. 

The high school data was excellent. Achievement, growth, and postsecondary readiness are all commendable. Cherie comments that scores have appeared to follow a certain group of kids. She has been looking at the data and comments that there are some factors contributing to the lower scores. One of the factors was the loss of some strong teachers and possibly the combining of classes. Curtis comments that this is exactly what we would expect from the administrators – looking at the data and trying to find ways to improve. 

Some discussion on the reports from administrators regarding their staffing needs. 

The March board meeting will be moved to the 18th at the middle school.

The April board meeting will be moved to April 15th with the school visit at 2 pm and the board meeting at 4 pm.

Curtis discusses committees for the school board. Shawn and Jeff will continue on the finance committee. April and Curtis will be on the facilities committee. All members will continue the school community council assignments. Cory and April will serve on the Ad Hoc committee.  

Cory gives a report on the USBA annual conference. The focus was on issues a school board might face. There were breakout sessions on various topics, including leadership, teacher compensation, school fees, TSSA, and others. He suggests the Master Board Awards for our school board. Shawn was appointed to be on the JLC. Curtis was elected to represent region X on the USBA board of directors. Cory was re-elected to be on the board of trustees for UHSAA. 

Curtis talks about how the regional service centers are in consideration to be funded as an LEA. 

Curtis comments how there was a focus on mental health initiatives. Some discussion about one of the speakers and becoming a hero.


Cory asks about the track schedule and why there aren’t any home meets. The track was damaged by water damage. The next region meet is scheduled to be hosted in 5 years. This may be part of the facilities plan if deemed important.

Cory makes a motion to approve schedules for track and softball. Shawn seconds. All in favor.

Shawn makes the motion to accept the annual audit. April seconds it. All in favor.

Curtis asks for thoughts on the energy audit. Cory suggests we need to follow the recommendation of Shane. Curtis states Shane’s recommendations are to do the lighting retrofit internally and replace RTUs as needed. Shawn comments that the air flow issue at Loa is important. Curtis comments that in discussion with Johnson Controls, the scope of the project may need to change. Discussion continues on whether part of this should be done internally or go out for bid locally. 

Board member Jeffrey Chappell arrives at 7:07 pm

Curtis mentions that we are going to continue working with Naylor Wentworth for some of the projects.

Curtis calls for a motion. April makes a motion to discontinue our association with McKinstry on the energy audit. Shawn seconded it. All in favor. 

Cory makes a motion to approve the travel expenses for board day on the hill. Shawn seconds. All in favor. 

Jeff will not make it to the day on the hill.

Discussion about how the reimbursements will be documented and received.  Andrea mentions that we could have something on the website to process it. 

Superintendent addresses the TSSA plans. April makes a motion to approve the TSSA plans. Cory seconds. All in favor. 

April makes a motion to approve third reading of policies FBA Admission and Attendance Eligibility and Admissions Req, FBD Coordinating Services for School Age Youth, FDA Health Requirements Vision Screening, FDAC Health Requirements and Services Medical Treatment, FDACB Medical Treatment Student Self Treatment Diabetes, FDACF Medical Treatment Student Self Application of Sunscreen, FDB Health Requirements Suicide Prevention, FED Student Data Protection, FGAB Student Electronic Devices, FH Student Discipline, FHA Safe Schools, FHAF Safe Schools Emergency Safety Interventions, FI Student Fees Fines and Charges, FK School Uniforms.  Shawn makes a second. All in favor.

Cory makes a motion to approve new employees pending background check. Jeffrey makes a second. All in favor.

Cory makes a motion to approve new hires. April seconds.  All in favor.

Superintendent Fahey submits a letter of retirement to the school board. Curtis, Shawn, and Jeff express thanks to the superintendent for his service. 

Jeffrey makes a motion to approve employee separations. April seconds.  All in favor.

Cory makes a motion to go into closed session per Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) at 7:30 pm. 

Curtis calls for a vote.

Shawn Davis – Yes
Cory Anderson – Yes
Curtis Whipple – Yes
April Torgerson – Yes
Jeffrey Chappell - Yes

Open meeting resumes at 8:20 pm

Curtis adjourns the meeting.


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