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Student Conduct:  Demonstrations


Students shall be subject to the provisions of Board policy regarding disruptive behavior.

Any demonstration on school property during school hours must be authorized by the school's principal in writing.

Student demonstrations and similar activities shall be prohibited when there is evidence that may reasonably lead school authorities to forecast substantial disruption of, or material interference with, normal school operations or approved school activities.

The evidence must support a "reasonable forecast of substantial disruption" of school operations; "undifferentiated fear" or mere apprehension of disturbance is not sufficient to justify restrictions on students' otherwise legitimate right to freedom of expression.


Students who participate in any prohibited activities described above are subject to disciplinary action, based on the severity of the violation and its overall effect on the welfare of other students.

Tinker v. Des Moines, 393 U.S. 503 (1969)
Barker v. Hardway, 394 U.S. 905 (1969)
Burnside v. Byars, 363 F.2d 744 (1966)

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