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Student Activities

Extracurricular Activities—

There is no constitutional right to participate in extracurricular activities and student government, and this policy does not create such a right. 

Students who participate in student government and extracurricular activities become role models for others in the school and community. These individuals often play major roles in establishing standards of acceptable behavior in the school and community and establishing and maintaining the reputation of the school and the level of community confidence and support afforded the school. It is of the utmost importance that those involved in student government, whether as officers or advisors, and those involved in competitive athletics and related activities, whether students or staff, comply with all applicable laws and standards of behavior and conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their positions and responsibilities.

Utah Code § 53G-8-209 (2019)

Participation Eligibility—

A student in grades 7-12 may participate in extracurricular activities on or off campus at the beginning of the school year.

In order to be eligible to participate in an extracurricular activity event for a grade report period following the initial grade report period of a school year, a student shall not have a grade point average lower than 2.0 on a scale of 0-4.0 in all course(s) for the preceding grade report period or have any failed or incomplete courses for the preceding grade report period.

Prohibited Conduct—

The following prohibited conduct may render a student ineligible for and/or unable to continue participation in student government and/or extracurricular activities, if occurring while the student is in the classroom, on school property, or during school-sponsored activities, regardless of location or circumstances:

  1. Use of foul, abusive, or profane language while engaged in school-related activities;
  2. Illicit use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances or drug paraphernalia, and the use, possession, or distribution of an electronic cigarette product, tobacco or alcoholic beverages contrary to law; or
  3. Hazing, demeaning, or assaultive behavior, whether consensual or not, including behavior involving physical violence, restraint, improper touching, or inappropriate exposure of body parts not normally exposed in public settings, forced ingestion of any substance, or any act which would constitute a crime against a person or public order under Utah law. 

Utah Code § 53G-8-209 (2019)

Suspension from Extracurricular Activities—

A student whose recorded report period grade average in any course is lower than 2.0 at the end of a grade report period shall be suspended from participation in any extracurricular activity event during succeeding grade report periods until the end of a grade report period during which the student achieves a course grade point average for that grade report period of at least 2.0. This suspension shall become effective the day the grades are posted for the grade report period during which the grade lower than 2.0 was earned.

Students with Disabilities—

Suspension of a student with disabilities whose disability significantly interferes with the student's ability to meet regular academic standards shall be based on the student's failure to meet the requirements of the student's Individual Education Plan, as determined by the Special Education Committee.

Out-of-School Practice—

A student who has been suspended from extracurricular activity events shall also be suspended from out-of-school practice in extracurricular activities until suspension from participation has been lifted.

Limit on Suspension—

A student may not be suspended under this provision during the period in which school is recessed for the summer or during the initial grade reporting period of a regular school term on the basis of grades received in the final grade report period of the preceding regular school term.

Reinstatement to Extracurricular Activities—

At the end of any grade report period in which a student attains a course grade point average for that period of 2.0 or more in each course taken, any suspension from participation in extracurricular activities and/or suspension from out-of-school practice for extracurricular activities shall be removed.

Practice and Performance—

Schools shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Utah High School Activities Association in scheduling and conducting practices and performances of competitive play.


Schools shall not schedule full-year physical education or athletic fitness and movement classes for specific school teams. In schools where in-season fitness and movement classes are scheduled, the classes shall not be used to violate the starting and stopping dates for practice and competitive play as prescribed by the UHSAA. High school competitive sports programs shall be supplementary to the high school curriculum.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-605-2 (December 8, 2016)

Athletic classes conducted for specific school teams shall not be scheduled throughout the regular school day. First and last period athletic assignments may not preclude a coach from teaching a full load of classes during the school day.

Off-Season Clinics—

Required or voluntary participation in summer or other off-season sports clinics, workshops, and leagues may not be used as criteria for team membership or for the opportunity to try out for team membership. School personnel, activity leaders, coaches, advisory and other personnel shall not require students to attend out-of-school camps, clinics or workshops for which the personnel, activity leaders, coaches or advisory personnel receive remuneration from a source other than the school or district in which they are employed.

A summer workshop or clinic conducted by a school for any sport or activity shall be scheduled and held consistent with UHSAA bylaws and policies.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-605-4 (December 8, 2016)


Coaches and other designated school leaders shall diligently supervise players at all times while on school-sponsored activities, including during the activity itself, in locker rooms, seating areas, eating establishments, lodging facilities and during travel. Coaches and school leaders accompanying school players and teams shall at no time leave them unsupervised. Coaches, assistants, and advisers shall not permit hazing, demeaning, or assaultive behavior (whether consensual or not), including behavior involving physical violence, restraint, improper touching, inappropriate exposure of body parts not normally exposed in public settings, forced ingestion of any substance, or any act which would constitute a crime against a person or public order under Utah law.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-605-3(1), (3) (December 8, 2016)


A coach or other designated school leader shall not participate in the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco (including electronic cigarettes), controlled substances, or promiscuous sexual relationships while on school-sponsored activities.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-605-3(2) (December 8, 2016)

Utah Code § 53G-8-209(2) (2019)

“20-day Rule”—

The District shall not schedule, nor permit students to participate in, any school-related or school-sanctioned activities on or off campus that would require, permit, or allow a student to be absent from class in any course more than twenty (20) times during the 180-day school year.


The Board may allow specific exceptions to the twenty (20) absences per class limitation stated above. Such exceptions shall be made only on behalf of individual students who are competing in post-district competitions sponsored by organizations approved by the Board. The exception shall be based on circumstances that are unforeseen and that result from the student's earning the right to compete at post-district levels. Exceptions shall not exceed a total of five additional absences per year. Exceptions shall not be granted to allow students who have not earned the right to compete at the post-district level to participate in more district-level activities than permitted under the twenty (20) absences per class limitation.


Definitions of curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities shall be as follows:

  1. Curricular activities occur within the regular school day and constitute the delivery of instruction to students in the District.
  2. Co-curricular activities are an extension of classroom instruction in which participation is by the entire class or a significant portion thereof. They relate directly to, and enhance student learning of, essential elements through participation, demonstration, illustration, and observation. Co-curricular activities are included in the teacher's instructional plan and are conducted by or supervised by a classroom teacher or other educational professional such as a librarian, school nurse, counselor, or administrator. Students suspended from extracurricular activities because of a grade(s) below 2.0 or any failed courses shall not be prevented from participating in after-school co-curricular activities. Absences for participation in co-curricular activities that require a student to miss a class other than the sponsoring class or course shall be counted under the 20-day rule.
  3. Extracurricular activities are school-sponsored activities that are not directly related to instruction of the essential elements, but that may have an indirect relation to some areas of the curriculum. They offer worthwhile and significant contributions to a student's personal, physical, and social development. Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege and not a right, and students must meet specific requirements in order to participate. Activities may include, but are not limited to, performances, contests, demonstrations, displays, and club activities.


Modified:  13 May 2019

Approved: 15 April 2020

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