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Participation of Private and Home School Students in U-PASS Testing

Home School Student Participation—

            Home school students who are Utah residents and whose parents reside in the District may participate in U-PASS testing as follows:

  1. The student must have satisfied the home school requirements set forth in Policy FBB and Utah Code § 53G-6-204.
  2. The home school student must pay charges or fees for the testing on the same basis that students enrolled in the school must pay charges or fees.
  3. The District shall determine in which school(s) qualifying home school students will take U-PASS tests.
  4. The District may require home school students to provide a parent or adult to monitor or proctor tests, as appropriate.

            Upon request of a home school student or the student’s parent or guardian, the District shall provide a copy of the schedule of U-PASS dates, the locations at which home school students may be tested, and the District’s policies relating to home school student participation in U-PASS tests. Home school students who desire to participate in a particular U-PASS test must make the request in writing at least 30 days before the test date. The District shall respond in writing to the request at least 10 days following the receipt of the request. Where the request to participate is approved, the District shall provide written notice to the home school student and his or her parent or guardian of testing rules, including required identification and proof of residency for adults and students and implements or materials that the home school student may or may not bring or use for the test.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-604-4 (December 8, 2016)

Private School Student Participation—

            Private school students who are Utah residents and attending private schools located within the District boundaries may participate in U-PASS testing as follows:

  1. The private school student’s school must request permission from the District on behalf of the student to participate.
  2. The student or private school must pay the costs of the testing in advance. These testing costs include costs for materials, scoring, reporting, and State-related costs.
  3. The District shall determine in which school(s) private school students may take U-PASS tests.
  4. The District shall determine the limits, if any, of numbers of non-public school students that can be accommodated by the school.
  5. The District may require the participating private school to provide administrators to participate in monitoring or proctoring tests, as appropriate.

            Upon request of a private school located within District boundaries, the District shall provide the private school a copy of the schedule of U-PASS dates, the locations at which private school students may be tested, and the District’s policies relating to private school student participation in U-PASS tests. Private schools which desire to have their students participate in a particular U-PASS test must make the request in writing at least 30 days before the test date. The District shall respond in writing to the request at least 10 days following the receipt of the request. Where the request to participate is approved, the District shall provide written notice to the private school of testing rules, including required identification and proof of residency for staff and students and implements or materials that the private school or student may or may not bring or use for the test.

            Private school students who are not Utah residents may participate in U-PASS testing only upon payment, in advance, of the full cost of the individual assessments.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-604-3 (December 8, 2016)

Bureau of Indian Affairs Schools Administrator Training—

            The administrators of Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) schools are responsible to meet U-PASS requirements relating to the students in their schools. The District shall provide materials and training to administrators of BIA schools within the District on the schedule which applies to the District. The District shall notify administrators of BIA schools located in the District of all information and training on U-PASS provided by the District.

Utah Admin. Rules R277-604-6 (December 8, 2016)

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