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Modified: 22 May 2020

Approved: 12 May 2021



Inspection and Maintenance

Inspection of equipment—

The school bus operator is the key to an effective daily inspection program. It is the operator’s responsibility to make a planned and systematic inspection of the bus before each trip. The Pupil Transportation Director shall establish an outline to be followed in performing daily and pre-use inspections, taking into consideration the items and principles outlined in the National School Transportation Specifications and Procedures and applicable CLD requirements.

National School Transportation Specifications and Procedures p. 140-43 (May 2015)


Teamwork and written policies are essential to a well-organized maintenance program. The Board will adopt, in consultation with the Pupil Transportation Director, strong and reasonable school bus maintenance policies that will provide efficient guidelines for the supervisor of transportation, maintenance, transportation, maintenance personnel and operators of the vehicles. Such policies should include the maintenance responsibilities of each person involved and should provide for a planned maintenance program and should meet the standards outlined in the National School Transportation Specifications and Procedures.

National School Transportation Specifications and Procedures p. 175-77 (May 2015)

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