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Cash Receipts and Expenditures:

Issuance of Checks

All checks, check stock, access to bank accounts, and bank statements shall be kept secured and controlled by the accounting/front office with limited access. Passwords should be kept secured and changed periodically.

An employee other than the issuer of the check shall review the issued check and accompanying supporting documentation to ensure all policies and procedures are followed prior to signing the check.

Each disbursement shall be substantiated with supporting documentation, such as a purchase order, invoice, receipts, quotes (according to the procurement policy above), reimbursement forms, shipping documents, contracts, travel forms, etc. All expenditures shall be recorded in the District’s accounting records using the NCES chart of accounts, or under the District’s roll-up process to convert to the NCES chart of accounts.

Blank checks or checks made payable to “cash” or “bearer” should never be signed.

Endorsed checks should be mailed by an employee outside of the cash disbursement process, if possible.

It may be necessary to void a check. If this occurs, the word “VOID” should be written on the check, and the actual check shall be retained.

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  • Hits: 1643