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Modified: 5 June 2021

Approved: 11 May 2022

source: USBA

Use of School Facilities:

Employee Use of School Property

Use of school property—

The following guidelines shall govern use of school facilities and property:

  1. The Principal may authorize the use of school property at the school for community service provided it is used only by authorized school personnel or approved personnel.
  2. Property of one school may be loaned to another school of the District provided arrangements are made between the principals involved.
  3. School property shall not be used by individuals for private commercial purposes at any time and may not be used for private use except as specifically permitted in this policy.

Utah Code § 76-8-402(2) (2019)

Use of school property for private purposes—

The following guidelines govern use of school property for private purposes by District personnel:

  1. District personnel are to possess and use school property primarily to fulfill their duties as an employee of the District.
  2. District personnel may also make incidental use of school property for personal matters if the value provided to the District by the employee’s use of the property in fulfilling the employee’s work duties substantially outweighs the personal benefit received by the employee from personal use.
  3. Specific guidelines for incidental personal use of school property shall be established by the supervisor of the employee using the school property and consistent with the guidelines of this policy.

Utah Code § 76-8-402(1), (2) (2019)

Personal use of school computers—

Personal use of District computer software and applications must comply with District policies, which prohibit the use of District resources for personal for-profit business, or political activities, or for personal financial benefit outside of employment. Offensive (i.e. pornographic), harassing, discriminatory, or illegal (i.e. gambling) activities are prohibited. Personal use of software and applications which disrupts or distracts the conduct of District business due to volume, timing, or frequency is considered an unacceptable use of District resources.

Costs associated with personal applications downloaded to District devices are the financial responsibility of the user assigned to the device. Downloaded applications should not be offensive, harassing, discriminatory or illegal (i.e. gambling) in content. Applications with security vulnerabilities should be uninstalled.

The personal use of social networking applications (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn) is not permitted during work time.

Devices may be used at home by the employee since use of authorized software increases the employee’s knowledge of the software. Unauthorized software may not be installed or used on the computer. Personal use must comply with District policies which do not allow for personal for-profit business, or political activities, or for personal financial benefit outside of employment. The computer is only to be used by District employees. Installation of employee personal printers must be pre-authorized.

Office machines—

Photocopiers and printers are primarily reserved for District use; however, personal copies and printed material can be made at a cost of $.10 (b/w)/$.80 (color) per page, paid to the secretary. Long distance charges incurred as a result of a personal fax transmission shall be the financial responsibility of the employee and reimbursed to the District.

District Vehicles—

District vehicles are provided to enable employees to complete required tasks efficiently and effectively. As a general rule vehicles should remain locked in a secure location when not in use. District vehicles should not be used for non-school purposes or to transport non-school persons unless the reason is documented and approved by the Superintendent. Personal use of vehicles, including commuting to and from work, will be treated as a taxable fringe benefit consistent with IRS Publication 15-B.

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  • Hits: 2044