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March 2015 School Board Meeting Minutes

Wayne School District held its regular board meeting on Tuesday, March 3, 2015.  Financial reports and minutes were approved with minor discussion and revisions.

There were no citizen comments.  

Information items included:

  1. There was a discussion by Board Member Anderson on using Board Books from USBA to streamline board meetings.  The Board will try Google Docs for another meeting and this decision will be placed on the business section for further discussion in April.
  2. There was a brief discussion about the current legislation being proposed and concern over the large number of education bills proposed.
  3. The Superintendent reported that an anonymous donation of $1,000 would be made toward the purchase of a large flag for the WHS gym.  The cost of this project will be about $5,500.  Donations were encouraged, and it was decided to pass this project on to the High School, to see if a club would help do some fund raising to secure more funds.
  4. SAGE writing tests have been completed.  There were some problems reported, but steps will be taken to minimize these problems when the Spring SAGE testing takes place.
  5. The Superintendent reported on some maintenance items as a follow-up from the previous meeting.
  6. The Superintendent reported that the “Stake Holder Input” school surveys were completed with good participation.  Reports will be generated from the surveys, and shared with the Board and District.

Business items included:

  1. Heather Okerlund was hired as the new Business Administrator.  Brenda will stay on through April to help make the transition.
  2. Naylor, Wentworth, Lund Architects were chosen as per state procurement requirements to conduct a thorough district facilities needs assessment to help determine the goals and priorities for future facilities development.
  3. Policies CDA, CDB, & CBH were approved for second reading.
  4. On April 1, the Board will visit High Top Ranch School Youth in Custody program for which the District provides educational services.
  5. The Board voted to continue working on a proposal to raise taxes to help with future district budgeting priorities.
  6. Margaret Re was approved as a substitute teacher in Hanksville.
  7. Candy Peterson, Randy Ellett, Derick Woolsey and Sarah Taylor were approved as assistant track coaches.  Board Member Chappell questioned whether the coaches and assistant coaches were all certified.  He was informed that Board policy required their certification.
  8. Letters of resignation were accepted from Rhett Peterson and Rachelle Jeffery, effective June 2015.
  9. Board President Joni Taylor handed out criteria pages to encourage participation and completion of the USBA Master Boards Award for all board members, the superintendent and business administrator.  She will continue to encourage participation with reminders and assignments in each board meeting.

An executive session was held to discuss personnel.

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