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Hogle Zoo Art Exhibition Comes to Hanksville Elementary

hoglezooEach Year Hogle Zoo sponsors an annual art exhibit called World of the Wild. The goal of the exhibit is to bring together the works of artists who are interested in displaying their view of the wild animals, plants and places we share in the world. Pictures of animals is one of the oldest art forms. Ancient art depicting animals can be seen in caves in France, Spain and Australia. Closer to home Freemont and Anasazi animals drawing can be seen along many cliff faces throughout our area. Art can create a powerful link to learning. Heather Watts once said that, “Arts education is a big part of building a 21st century creative mind, and I think that we have let way too many kids lose their way by not drawing in their young minds with music, dance, painting and the other various ways we can express those things we do not have words for.” The Utah Division of Arts and Museums sponsors the Hogle Zoo exhibit, which enables schools to have the exhibit come to their school.

Mrs. Wilkins from Hanksville Elementary takes the opportunity with her students to enjoy that Worlds of the Wild art exhibit and they use it as an extension of their classroom. The students have used this year's exhibit to learn different elements of art such as line, shape, color, texture, etc. Each student will also be painting a picture of their animal choice. The school also offer the art to the community so that everyone can enjoy the beauty. As you look at the display ask yourself the following questions:

  • What emotions do you see in the picture?
  • How does piece make you feel?
  • Why do you think it makes you feel that way?

Thank You Hanksville Elementary for doing so much for our kids!!

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