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Mountain Man visits Hanksville Elementary

mtnmanThe K-2 class at Hanksville Elementary did a four-week unit on the Pilgrims' journey to the new country, and the Indians in New England and the changes they faced when the Pilgrims settled their land. They also learned how the Pilgrims and Indians worked together. The class discussed Squanto and the first Thanksgiving, and focused a lot on the Indian culture and discussed the different foods, shelters, customs, and dress that the five different regions the Indians possessed. The students did an at-home Indian shelter project which they had to make a model of an Indian shelter and then wrote a short essay on the type of shelter they chose and the Indian tribe that used that shelter. To wrap up the lesson Fred Weihing came to the class and showed the students some tools that the Indians used. Fred is part of the Rocky Mountain Mountain Men Association and attends many rendezvous each year. He also explained to the students how leather was made and how they used every part of the animal for something. He explained that they didn't waste anything. Fred showed the students several articles of clothing that were made from fur and had them try on a couple of pieces. He used a beaver as an example, and brought a beaver pelt to show the students. Fred also discussed different tools the early settlers, pioneers and mountain men used. This was a great hands on experience that allowed the students to connect their learning with real historic artifacts. We would like to thank Sarah Bradbury who set up the event and Fred Weihing who spent time in our school to help the student better understand the past.

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