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Wayne Schools Start a New Year

Nearly 450 students will return to classes on August 23rd at the four schools in the Wayne School District. Principal, teachers and staff are excited to come back after the summer to be once again teaching the great kids in Wayne County. 

Registration and Back to School nights will be different at each district school: 

Hanksville Elementary: 
Registration: Come in when you bring your child to school 
Preschool Registration: Aug 23 from 1:00 to 3:00
Back to School: August 29 at 5:00

Loa Elementary 
Registration: During Back to School night 
Back to School: August 22 at 4:00

Wayne Middle 
Registration: During Back to School night 
Back to School: August 22 at 6:00

Wayne High 
Registration: August 15 from 9-2 and August 16 from 1-4
Back to School: August 28 at 6:00

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