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School Board Meeting February 9

School Board Meeting 16

Please join us for the February school board meeting on Feb. 9 at 3:00 pm at Hanksville Elementary School. This meeting will not be streamed live, however, the audio recording will be available on the Utah Public Notice Site within 3 days. 


I. 3:00 Administration 
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance 
3. Reverence
4. Approval of Minutes
II. 3:05 Public Hearing - Fees & Fee Spend Plans
III. 3:15 Financial Review
1. Accounts Payable
IV. 3:25 Citizen Comments
V. 3:35 Information Items
1. Superintendent Report
2. Locker Room Renovation at WMS 
3. Board Training
VI. 4:15 Business Items
1. Spring Sports Travel Approval 
2. Policies
a. First Reading
b. Second Reading 
c. Third Reading
3. Superintendent Contract Renewal 
4. 2022-2023 School Calendar
VII. 4:30 Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a)
VIII. 5:00 Adjournment
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