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June 2021 Board Meeting

School Board Meeting 3

Join us for the Wayne School District Board Meeting on June 16, 2021 at 6 pm at Wayne High School. You can also join the meeting online through webex using the link or information below. 

Meeting Link:

Meeting Number: 177 283 8038
Meeting Password: wayneboard

I. 6:00 Administration 

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Reverence

4. Cache Valley Bank - Donation 

5. Approval of Minutes

II. 6:05 Financial Review 

1. Accounts Payable

III. 6:15 Citizen Comments

IV. 6:25 Information Items

1. Superintendent Report

2. Committee Reports

V. 7:00 Business Items

1. Student Board Member 

2. PTIF Resolution Update 

3. Public Hearing

a. Amend FY21 Budgets and Adopt Tentative FY22 Budgets 

b. Adopt Proposed Tax Rates FY22

c. Public Comments (10 mins)

4. Approve Fall Sports

5. FFA Travel Request

6. New Curriculum Adoption 

7. Approve SPED Manual

8. New Hires/Appointment 

9. Employee Separations

VI. 8:00 Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a)

VII. 9:00 Adjournment

(Closed Session Will Be Held Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-4)

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