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January 2021 School Board Meeting

Board Meeting

Join us for the Wayne School District Board Meeting on January 20, 2021 at 7 pm at Wayne High School. You can also join the meeting online through webex using the link or information below.

Meeting Number: 177 290 5557
Meeting Password: waynesd


I. 7:00 Administration
1. Call to Order 
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Reverence
4. Oath of Office - Liz Torgerson 
5. Approval of Minutes 
II. 7:05 Financial Review 
1. Accounts Payable 
III. 7:15 Citizen Comments 
1. Chylene Whipple 
IV. 7:25 Information Items 
1. Superintendent Report 
a. Instructional coach
b. Mission, vision and goals 
c. High School Trophy Cases 
2. Committee Reports 
3. Board Training 
a. USBA Conference Discussion 
V. 8:00 Business Items 
1. Appoint new Audit Committee member 
2. Approve Cell Phone Allowance
3. March Board Meeting - Spring Break
4. Policies 
a. First Reading
b. Second Reading 
c. Third Reading 
5. New Hires 
6. Employee Separations 
VI. 9:00 Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a) 
VII. 9:30 Adjournment 
(Closed Session Will Be Held Pursuant to Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-4) 
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