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December 9, 2020 School Board Meeting

School Board Meeting12 20

Join us for the Wayne School District Board Meeting on December 9, 2020 at 4 pm at Wayne High School. You can also join the meeting online through webex using the link or information below.

Meeting Number: 177 390 9781
Meeting Password: wayneboard


 I. 4:00 Administration

1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Reverence
4. Approval of Minutes
II. 4:05 Financial Review
1. Accounts Payable
III. 4:10 Citizen Comments
IV. 4:20 Information Items
1. WMS Report
2. Superintendent Report
3. Committee Reports
V. 5:00 Business Items
1. Board Presidency Election
2. Policies
a. First Reading
CKE Issuance of Checks
DHE Employee Leave and Pay Policies
CKB Travel
b. Second Reading
CBDC Procurement of Professional Services
CCF Procurement of Design Professional Services
CJDH Transportation Operations Post Route Inspections
DABA Paraprofessional Qualifications
DFC Employee Surveys
3. New Hires
VI. 5:30 Closed Session as permitted by Utah Code Annotated Section 52-4-205(1)(a)
VII. 6:00 Adjournment
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