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Thank You Principals!

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We want to thank each of our principals for all of their hard work and effort to help our students succeed. We have highlighted each principal below.

Mary Bray - Wayne High School

Mrs. Bray makes all things possible through her willingness and dedication to our students and staff.  It is because of her creativity and influence that the students of WHS soar high and accomplish great things. She has been in education for 32 years and still gets excited over story problems! We appreciate her patience in teaching not only math lessons but life lessons as well. She cares for each one of the students and sees each student for who they are and who they aspire to be.  Some of the students wanted to share their thoughts on how Mrs. Bray has been so influential in their lives; what greater testament than those whom she has affected the most.

“Mrs. Bray is strong, fearless, loving, understanding, smart, thoughtful, and so much more!  She is awesome!”

“Mrs. Bray, thank you for all you do for our school. You are patient and organized.  We appreciate all that you do for us.  Thanks for treating us like your own.”

“Mrs. Bray is always willing to help anyone. She never fails to involve everyone. She is a great leader and makes sure the school is at it’s best!”

“Mrs. Bray, thank you for everything! You always respect the students and you never give up on us! I look up to you so much, thank you for always being willing to go out of your way to help me.  You have no idea how much it means to me.”

Lance Peterson - Wayne Middle School

Lance became a Principal for the same reason he became a Teacher, “I always wanted to do something that I felt like made a difference, not just made money”.

Lance grew up in South Sevier, and went to college at SUU. Lance started teaching at Wayne School District in 2001. He loves History, and it showed in the classes he taught. He has also taught CCA, Health and other classes at the middle school. He had the opportunity to take over the role as Principal at Wayne Middle School in 2015, and he took it. 

Lance has been a great leader & role model at the Middle School. No matter the situation, Lance always handles things with a positive attitude. He focuses on what he can do to help others, whether it's students or staff. He doesn’t focus on what the students may have done wrong, or why they were sent to the Principal’s office, rather he focuses on what lessons they have learned or how they can do better. Lance encourages the students to be Courageous and have a strong Character. Lance is a great example to the students and staff, and he's not afraid to stand up for what he feels is right.

Some of the things that Lance likes are: Cheeseburgers, Steak, Red Vines, Twix, Dr. Pepper, Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Riding Horses, Football, Baseball, and John Wayne.

We are lucky to have Lance at the Middle School. He makes every student and staff member feel important.

Cherie Blackburn - Loa and Hanksville Elementary Schools

Cherie Blackburn is the principal of Loa Elementary and Hanksville Elementary. She has been an educator for nearly 30 years. She has been the principal for the past 10 years. Mrs. Blackburn has a passion for teaching and especially helping children learn to read. She genuinely cares for each student in her schools and takes the time to get to know them personally. Whether she is helping in the lunchroom, or outside during recess, or observing in a classroom, she takes the time to talk with the students, teachers, and paraprofessionals. Mrs. Blackburn wants each teacher to be successful and each student to be fully prepared for middle school when they leave the elementary. 

When not at work, Mrs. Blackburn spends her time with her five children and nine (almost ten) grandchildren. She loves all kinds of music and spending time in her yard. If you want to make her day, bring her a Pepsi!
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