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Bus Remind Notifications

We have created Remind groups for our bus routes to allow us to notify you if a bus is running late or if there are other transportation related issues. To sign up to receive these messages send a text to 81010 with the code below for the bus route your student(s) is on. 
Fremont/Lyman Elementary Bus (Wyatt) - @frlyelebus
Fremont/Lyman Secondary Bus (Ken) - @frlysecbus
Loa/Bicknell (Kerry) - @loabus
Torrey/Teasdale/Bicknell (Keegan) - @totebibus
Hanksville/Torrey (Jared) - @hanksbus
Morning Preschool (Wyatt) - @ampresbus
Afternoon Preschool (Jared) - @pmpresbus
bus remind image
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  • Hits: 320