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Local Wellness Policy

Triennial Assessment of the Wellness Policies
January 24, 2024
Wayne District Office

Attendance:  8 Committee Members in attendance 

A committee was organized with stockholders from our community.  It can consist of students, Pe/Health Teachers, School Board, School Administration, SFA Representatives, parents, School Health Professionals and the public.  Involvement with committee was advertised for those who wanted to volunteer to participate.

Committee met on January 24,2024 to review the Wellness Policy and the Local Wellness Policy for Wayne School District.  Checklist was used to evaluate policy and follow-up on anything that needed to be implemented since last triennial assessment.   Committee used Wellness Policy Assessment Tool-Wayne School District and Local Wellness Policy Checklist forms to evaluate policies.

Wellness Policy Assessment will be posted for the public on our website. This will remain on website at all times and updated as the committee meet to implement the policy. 

Wellness Policy:
Policy FDEA - FDEA

Local Wellness Policy:
Policy FDEB - FDEB

During the Wellness Policy Triennial Assessment, the committee discussed the topics of Nutrition, Smart Snacks, Nutrition Education, Physical Education and Staff Wellness & Health Promotion. This assessment evaluated all schools in the LEA. All members of the committee read through together and discussed all topics in the policy. All stakeholders were allowed time and encouraged to give their opinion of each topic. All members felt that we are covering all topics very well. Committee feels that all Local Wellness goals are being met at this time. No proposed changes or further implementation were recommended at this time by the committee. Attached you will find the topics that were discussed.



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