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Clark Planetarium Visits Wayne Middle School

A Science Activity That Was “Out Of This World”

On October 8th, 2018, representatives from Clark Planetarium visited Wayne Middle School.  They taught us some interesting information about our Solar System and the Universe, and had some neat displays that taught us about some science facts.  Clark Planetarium is located is Salt Lake City, Utah.  The planetarium is mainly focused on the science of space, but also offers some other neat and educational displays and activities.

Clark Planetarium Logo

The visit was divided between different grades and classes.  During first period, the planetarium’s representative, Thomas, taught sixth graders about the sun, moons, planets, and stars.  He showed us a simulation of the locations of the planets in our solar system, and our moon and the stars.  The simulation used ratios so you could see what the sky was like in 50 BC.  He also used a simulation that showed us the speed of light and how fast it looks while traveling all the way to Mars!  At the end of the class (as a bonus) we saw what would happen if the sun was a black hole.


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SPLASH - WMS Pool Party

Pool Party 1

Wayne Middle School students enjoyed a special treat the last Friday in August.  At 10:00 am, they walked down to the Bicknell pool and had an opportunity to have an after school swim.  Mr. Peterson (Wayne Middle School Principal) used the time to welcome students back after a long, hot summer, and to celebrate the start of the 2018-2019 school year.  The students had fun frolicking and splashing each other, and trying to get the teachers wet.  All of the teachers were in attendance to help supervise, and life guards were stationed and extra-attentive.  Sherry Ellett (our Art Teacher), was acting as the primary life guard that day.  In the coming month, Wayne Middle School will use the pool as part of its physical education program.  Students will go to the pool during their PE class to learn the basics of safe swimming, and how to use and enjoy a pool safely.  This activity was a great way to start the school year, and we are looking forward to more exciting activities "sandwiched" between days of high-quality classroom instruction!

Pool Party 4

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Understanding & Empathy

Trust Walk 2

On September 27, 2018, the Utah School for the Deaf and Blind visited Wayne Middle School. They helped students in each grade understand what it could be like to be both deaf and blind (deaf-blind or deaf-blindness).  

Read more …Understanding & Empathy

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Fall Into Learning Dance

Fall Dance 1
On September 27, 2018, Wayne Middle School had a “Fall Into Learning” school dance.
6th graders and new students had an opportunity to learn some dance steps the week before the dance.  Student Council members helped teach line dances and couples dances, so everyone would have some moves and some grooves :).  It was a great activity.  6th, 7th, and 8th grades participated and seemed to have a really good time.
Fall Dance 2
Thanks to all involved with helping to organize and coordinate the dance - Mr. Lance Peterson for approving the activity, students who made suggestions for songs, Mr. Cliff Peterson for his help with the sound system, Student Council members for teaching dances, organizing music, decorating and cleaning up, Aspen New for photography, teachers for being chaperones, and Mrs. Batty for the treats!
Submitted By,

Emma Hallows

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WMS Freedom Wall

Throughout this school year, a Student Council project has been to design and create a "Freedom Wall" at Wayne Middle School.  The purpose of the Freedom Wall is to help us all remember and reflect upon our great nation, and to honor the service and sacrifice that has been given to provide the freedom and liberty we enjoy.

The Freedom Wall has begun to take shape!  After the plans were finalized, some prep work and painting was done to make the wall stand out.  Almost all of the paint made it on the wall, as intended. :) Some signs were placed, and then the work of hanging the important items began.

Freedom Wall - 5.png

Read more …WMS Freedom Wall

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