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WMS Spirit Stick

 1st Spirit Stick Winners

Wayne Middle School introduced a Spirit Stick this school year.  During an assembly, Mr. Lance Peterson explained the idea and purpose of the Spirit Stick.  He shared the many reasons why he is excited to be a WMS Wolverine, and encouraged everyone to take part in boosting school spirit.

Mr. Peterson then explained the history and significance of the first item to be placed on our unique Spirit Stick. It is the first t-shirt created after WMS changed to being the Wolverines from the Pink Panthers!  Did you know we used to be the WMS Pink Panthers? ? The t-shirt was designed by a former WMS student (and talented artist), Patrick Pentico.  Patrick went on to join the U.S. military, and was killed while in the service of our country.  It was a somber few moments, as Mr. Peterson shared his appreciation and respect for Patrick.  He urged us all to have pride in ourselves, our school, and our country.

This is a picture of the first-ever Wayne Middle School Spirit Stick winners! Way to go Mrs. R's Flex class!  We look forward to many activities and opportunities to show school spirit, and to continue the legacy of WMS Wolverines! 

Submitted By,

Halley Spencer

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