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WMS School Fees

Wayne Middle School
Fee Schedule and Spend Plan
Class Fee Use of Funds
iPad  $       10.00  Repair, Purchase, and Upgrade Devices
Art  $       10.00  Brushes, Paint, Paper
Band  $       30.00  Instrument Rental
CCA  $       15.00  Consumables for class projects
CTE/Broadcasting  $       15.00  Consumables for class projects & Software
Lifetime Activities  $       10.00  Consumables for class projects
PE Shirt  $         5.00  Shirt for PE(Only if they don’t have a shirt)
PE Equipment  $         5.00  Replacement of PE Equipment
Activities  Fee  Use of Funds
Bowling  $       10.00  Shoes and Lane fee
Ski Trip  $       35.00  Ski Rental and Lift Fee
Lagoon  $       30.00  Park Entrance Fee


Student participation is limited to 5 activities, 1 out-of-state trip, and fees not to exceed $5000.
A waiver shall be granted to a student if charging the fee would deny the student the opportunity to participate in a class or school-sponsored or supported activity because of an inability to pay a fee.
A student is eligible for waiver upon providing verification that:
The student qualifies based on income eligibility levels established annually by the State Superintendent;
The student receives SSI;
The family receives TANF funding;
The student is in foster care through the Utah Division of Child and Family Services; or
The student is in state custody.
A student who does not qualify based on the foregoing may also be granted a waiver if the student is not reasonably capable of paying the fee based on extenuating circumstances. Such circumstances might include exceptional financial burden, loss or substantial reduction of income, or extraordinary medical expenses.
In the event that circumstances change for a student or family such that fee waiver eligibility no longer exists, the school may charge a proportional share of a fee or a reduced fee. reflecting the change in eligibility.
Appeals may be made if a student is denied a waiver.
Application and further waiver information is found in Wayne SD policy FI


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