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New WMS Student Ambassador/Council Term Begins

The beginning of a new school year at Wayne Middle School ushers in some changes.  One change is the composition of members appointed and elected to serve as Student Ambassador/Council members.

We welcome our new Student Ambassador/Council members - Brylee Brown, Chance Brian, Krey Bradbury, Lacey Ellett, Macey Jackson, Raegyn Blackburn, Savannah Williams.  We look forward to their efforts and contributions as they serve with energy, enthusiasm and commitment while representing Wayne Middle School! 

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Some Ways To Help People Struggling With Depression

By Brylee Brown

Reach Out

Have you ever had a loved one or a best friend go through depression? Listen up, and maybe you will find a couple ways to help them. Depression is something that is really hard to overcome. It has also taken many people's lives. People with depression cannot do it alone. It is our opportunity to help them get through the rough times. It is pretty crazy to think that more women suffer from depression than men! When you have depression, you can have multiple feelings. You might feel hopeless, sadness, sorrow, misery, and discouragement. These feelings happen over a long period of time, and these feelings can be challenging to overcome. People are struggling every day. It might be a loved one, your best friend, or someone you see every day at work.There are ways to help them. While you read this essay, you will find some suggestions to help people struggling with depression.

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WMS Students Compete In Archery

On February 16th, WMS 8th grade Lifetime Activities students participated in an archery competition. The Competition was held at the Salt Palace.  This was a new experience for many/most of the students. A combination of excitement, curiosity, and a little (maybe a lot for some) nervousness was felt by all. As one student mentioned, "We had to shoot in front of a lot of people.  It was scary at first. When I started to shoot, I wasn't really scared anymore. I actually think I did quite well."


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WMS Ski Trip

⛷   ❄️   🏂

On Tuesday, February 12th, Wayne Middle School had another successful year at Brian Head Resort.  The sun was shining, the weather was pleasant, and the surroundings were beautiful.  A ski trip can always be considered a success when you have sunburned faces, tired kids, and sore teachers.  Plus, there were no major injuries!  While there were no rides on tubes or toboggans, there were some amazing tricks, and some epic crashes (you know who you are 🙂).

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WMS Play - Who Shot The Sheriff?

On February 14th, 15th, and 16th, Wayne Middle School held a dinner theater at Loa Elementary School, and performed the play “Who Shot the Sheriff?”

The play takes place in a small town in territorial Wayne County in the late 1800’s, when someone in the town shot Sheriff Dan.  After the unfortunate shooting of the county Sheriff, Sheriff Dan, no one was quite sure what to do.  Miss Samantha, a concerned citizen, rode out of town to find a new Sheriff.  To the surprise of the townsfolks, Sheriff Sam Purdy came to their rescue.  The play’s plot progresses in an attempt to find out who shot Sheriff Dan.  Was it Miss Twitty, the owner of the Sarsaparilla Saloon, Frank the bartender, or maybe the old prospector, Smiley?  In the end, it was an unexpected character, Lily Bell, who was responsible for the shooting.  If you weren’t able to attend, you really missed out!

WMS Play 2019 2

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