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Making Good Choices Assembly

On January 26th, Wayne Middle School had an assembly on making good choices and the danger of addiction. Will Ferguson was our presenter and he stressed the importance of school and making good choices. He used examples from his life. He is a former football player that became addicted to pain medication after a sports injury. He emphasized the dangers of all types of addiction.

Will includes specific dangers from prescription drugs, alcohol and marijuana. He spoke plainly to the students by telling them that if you have a friend how is starting to experiment with drugs that you should tell a responsible adult. Will stated that, “Friends help friends stay away from drugs.” Mr. Ferguson explained that by starting with any dangerous substance there is tendency for use to grow until you cannot stop.

There are also statistics that show there is a higher rate of addiction when a user starts in their teen age years. He then discussed the student’s futures and their dreams. Will asked several students about their dreams and what they would like to be. He told the students that they would not be able to fulfill their dreams if they do drugs.  He reminded the students that time lost during an addiction can never come back. After discussing the dangers of addition and drugs, he told the students the importance of having good friends.

Finally, Will reminded the students that they should hang out with good people because they will help you do good things, and that they should not hang out with bad people because they push you into doing bad things. After the conclusion Lance Peterson emphasized the points that Mr. Ferguson made and then talked about character, the importance of making good choices and having positive relationships. This was a positive experience for the students and made an impact.

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