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WMS Freedom Wall

Throughout this school year, a Student Council project has been to design and create a "Freedom Wall" at Wayne Middle School.  The purpose of the Freedom Wall is to help us all remember and reflect upon our great nation, and to honor the service and sacrifice that has been given to provide the freedom and liberty we enjoy.

The Freedom Wall has begun to take shape!  After the plans were finalized, some prep work and painting was done to make the wall stand out.  Almost all of the paint made it on the wall, as intended. :) Some signs were placed, and then the work of hanging the important items began.

Freedom Wall - 5.png

Freedom Wall-4.png

At the center, hangs an American Flag that was previously flown over the U.S.S. Arizona. The U.S.S. Arizona is a battleship that was sunk in Pearl Harbor. The U.S.S. Arizona Memorial was built in 1962 on top of (but not touching) the sunken Battleship. The Arizona was bombed on December 7, 1941, about 15 minutes into the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, killing 1,177 sailors and Marines on board. Today she rests where she fell, just off the coast of Ford Island. The memorial honors the memory of the crew of the U.S.S. Arizona, as well as all the other service members and civilians who died during the attack. A total of 2,335 sailors, soldiers, and Marines died as a result of the attack, as well as 68 civilians.

USS Arizona - 1.png 

USS Arizona - 2.png

Replicas of the significant founding documents of our country were hung.  The Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, and Bill of Rights are on display for all to read.  In the near future, some artwork, U.S. Military seals, and Utah National Guard patches will be added.

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