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WMS Ski Trip

⛷   ❄️   🏂

On Tuesday, February 12th, Wayne Middle School had another successful year at Brian Head Resort.  The sun was shining, the weather was pleasant, and the surroundings were beautiful.  A ski trip can always be considered a success when you have sunburned faces, tired kids, and sore teachers.  Plus, there were no major injuries!  While there were no rides on tubes or toboggans, there were some amazing tricks, and some epic crashes (you know who you are 🙂).

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The ski trip is  something the school does each year.  It is always a fun activity for students and staff.  In order for students to participate, they need to have passing grades in all their classes, and have good citizenship.  Students must be kind and respectful to others, help both teachers and other students, and try their best in all they do.  It is a reward for their efforts.  This activity helps build friendships.

It was a great opportunity to get to go, and to either ski or snowboard.  Students can choose if they want to ski or snowboard, and they can take lessons, if they desire.  Some had their first ski trip, others have gone only a few times, and some were experts. We rode the lifts and went down the slopes with friends.  We enjoyed hot chocolate and food from the deli with schoolmates and teachers.

It was a great day, and we came home with great memories!  For teachers, the best part of the day may be the bus ride home, when all the kids are sleeping (😴 teachers work hard every day, so we can at least give them a few hours of peace and quiet 😁).

For those that question the school rules, know that from this year on, if caught in the tunnels, you will not be going to Brian Head.  Hammers, screwdrivers, or crowbars will not get you out of that jam.  Follow the rules, and you will be enjoying those amazing white slopes!

Snowboard On And Ski Free

Submitted By,

Aspen New

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