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Some Ways To Help People Struggling With Depression

By Brylee Brown

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Have you ever had a loved one or a best friend go through depression? Listen up, and maybe you will find a couple ways to help them. Depression is something that is really hard to overcome. It has also taken many people's lives. People with depression cannot do it alone. It is our opportunity to help them get through the rough times. It is pretty crazy to think that more women suffer from depression than men! When you have depression, you can have multiple feelings. You might feel hopeless, sadness, sorrow, misery, and discouragement. These feelings happen over a long period of time, and these feelings can be challenging to overcome. People are struggling every day. It might be a loved one, your best friend, or someone you see every day at work.There are ways to help them. While you read this essay, you will find some suggestions to help people struggling with depression.

The first thing you need to do is be aware of the symptoms. You need to figure out if they have the symptoms of depression. When you help someone with depression it will not always be easy. While trying to figure out the symptoms of depression you need to look for sadness, tearfulness, emptiness, hopelessness, and discouragement. Most people with depression stop doing what they love to do. They don’t participate in activities they usually would. One thing to really look out for is if they are having trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions, and remembering things. These are all important symptoms to look for in someone you are trying to help. Sometimes people with depression will start losing weight or start gaining weight. It might be weird to think, but when some people are distressed, they just eat whatever they can find. It is not a wise thing to do, and it is not recommended! Other people might lose weight because they are so depressed that they won’t even want to eat. There are a lot of symptoms of depression and those are only a few. It might take you a couple of days, maybe even weeks to recognize some of these symptoms. Maybe you will be able to notice them right away. Some people just wear their heart on their sleeve. You also need to look for signs of helplessness/hopelessness, that could even include suicidal thoughts. It would be tragic if someone struggling with depression hurt themselves because they felt like they were not needed, or that nobody liked/loved them.  Everybody matters, and everybody is important.

Then, if you notice any of these symptoms, you can offer them support and make sure they know that you are there for them and encourage them to get help from a doctor, therapist or mental health professional. You may need to give this person extra support while they are going through a rough time. People that you know and love probably don’t want to tell anyone that they are struggling with depression. When you have noticed the signs/symptoms, it can be helpful to talk about it. Help them and tell them that you are there for them. You might want to ask them if they want help from a counselor. If they don’t want help from a counselor you could ask if they would talk with a doctor, teacher, parent or someone else that might help with their depression. Perhaps, there is some sort of activity or class, like a meditation/yoga class, that could be helpful. The class will help them feel better about themselves and help them recognize what they might be dealing with. Maybe you could go with them, since it might be beneficial to you too! Letting feelings brew inside is not the best thing to do. It could lead to suicidal thoughts, actions, and even attempts.

Finally, you might help them figure out some things that make them happy. You could find some natural ways to help with their depression. There are many ways you can help with their depression. These things are sometimes simple and easy things that they might do for themselves. Sometimes, people need help and can’t always do it on their own. Sometimes when you have depression it will seem like it can take over your life, and even will seem like it is ripping it to pieces. It will help to ​​Put your life back in some order and ​​. New hobbies will help you focus on more positive things! Some ideas for a new hobby would include knitting, sports, exercise, yoga, reading, and many more things. When you have depression sometimes all you want to do is eat, and you probably don’t eat very healthy. ​Eating healthy food can make you way happier than just eating whatever you can find. ​​is very important. People with depression don’t always give their body enough sleep and rest. ​​(like having a pet) can make you a lot happier. The pet will need lots of attention and can help take time away from feeling lonely and sad. ​​. Go out with some friends. Go bowling, swimming, go play a sport against your friends, and your friends will be by your side. It doesn’t just have to be with a friend, you can do it with family members too. There are many more ways to help with depression in natural ways. They might be difficult at first but soon enough you can discover fun and happy activities.

In conclusion, depression has been a difficult challenge for a long time. People with depression can need our help. They can’t always do it alone. Helping a loved one or a friend with depression can be tough. You need to be aware of symptoms of depression, and you need to try to understand how they feel. Telling them that you are there for them is a big plus to helping them. If it seems like things are getting worse for them, ask them if they would like some help from a counselor or other professionals. Help them find something to do to that they can enjoy. Hopefully, this essay has helped you learn some ways to help someone with depression.

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