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Volleyball JV Tournament

Another weekend of volleyball consisted of traveling to Valley for the JV Tournament. We got up and left pretty early to make it to Valley on time. We were all tired but we played as hard as we could. We started out not doing too well. We played two games and lost both, but the games were super close. We soon got into our groove and started doing much better! At the end of the day we had ended up taking 4th in the tournament. We ended up winning only 2 out the 5 games we played, but we still had fun!

--Savannah Williams (WHS Freshman)


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Senior Night for Badger Baseball

It’s been an exciting past couple weeks for Badger Baseball. We’ve played many games and come out with some wins and some losses. On Friday afternoon (Sept. 25), the boys played Green River. This was a special game because it was the last game of the season and we were honoring our seniors on the team. It was a great game and the Badgers pulled out the win, with a score of 15-1 in the Badgers’ favor. After the game, Principal Mary Bray and Head Coach Mike Bray honored the seniors for all of their hard work over the past few years. We are so proud of all of our baseball players and can’t wait to see what they can accomplish at the State tournament over the next couple of weeks. Good luck boys!

--Elena Peterson (WHS Sophomore)




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Physics-Potato Car Derby

In Mrs. James’ Physics class on Thursday, September 10th, they made derby cars out of potatoes. First, they had to get with a partner and then get their potatoes. After that they had to make the potato into whatever shape they wanted. They then had to put wheels on so they could roll them down the derby track. Everyone had a lot of fun and they learned a lot too.

--Juleigh Ogden (WHS Junior)



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Podcasts at Wayne High?

Are you ever wondering what’s new and upcoming at our High school but don’t know where to look? Well look no further, Mrs. Elletts commercial art class will be starting podcasts to update the students of Wayne High on what’s going on! Such as sports, events, activities, and more! We will try to update regularly. We will also post the podcasts either on the school website or on the TV in the foyer. Thanks to Mrs. Ellett, we have got a bunch of equipment to make the podcasts, like a cool new green screen! We hope everyone can engage in this because it is important for our students to be involved!

--Bryndis Maw (WHS Sophomore)



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Island Survival College Project

In the college class Criminal Justice by Dennis Schugk, the classes of all online schools and the college campus were given a unique and surprisingly interesting project. The project was to have a group of 8 students work together to survive on an island then create a form of government. The students were given a choice of supplies and one additional partner per person which can also carry supplies. Another thing to note is that all other groups from other schools were placed on different areas of the island. The most entertaining of the projects were the punishments. One final interesting aspect of the project was what you were going to do with the other groups on the island. There were no restrictions about what you can do and how you do it. The map above will describe the different countries, their government, and their strategy including punishments. It is a rather interesting game… project and trying it yourself might prove entertaining.

--Mizuki Ito (WHS Junior)



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WHS Prom


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