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Gymnastics Class at Wayne High School

     Here at Wayne High School, we are lucky to have a gymnastics class. This is a class that we haven’t had for many years, so it is very exciting that we have the opportunity to have this class. This class is taught by Mr. Charles (Chuck) Greco, who has taught gymnastics in previous years. His expertise and knowledge of gymnastics has been very beneficial for all of the students in the class. He teaches them about the technique and strength necessary to perform well in gymnastics, as well as the proper stretching and warming up routines that help prevent injury. All of the students have made great improvements since the beginning of the semester, and there is always great excitement from the rest of the class when one student gets a new skill down or does something well. We want to thank Chuck for all of the work and support he gives to each of the students in his class.

~Elena Peterson (WHS Sophomore)



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