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Blake Giles: Winner of Sterling Scholar-Music


     Blake Giles is the Central Utah Sterling Scholar winner in the category of Music. He has been involved with music all his life and has been playing music for eleven years. He plays by ear and is self taught. He plays seven different instruments. Honor Band is an event that he has attended every year throughout high school and middle school. He has also been involved in several leadership roles both academically and within extracurricular programs. He has served as both the Junior class secretary and the Senior class secretary. He is also heavily involved in 4-H and is currently a Utah State 4-H Ambassador which is very difficult to become. He is an Eagle Scout and he currently plans to serve an LDS mission and pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Music at Utah State University where he has received a full presidential scholarship. He has maintained a 3.9 GPA all through school.

     We want to wish a huge congratulations to Blake! We are so proud of him and how he represented Wayne High School. This a huge accomplishment and we want to recognize all the hard work and time that went into becoming the Central Utah Sterling Scholar winner. Make sure to tell Blake good job and congratulations if you get the chance. Congratulations, Blake!


     -Elena Peterson (WHS Sophomore)

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Sterling Scholar 2018-2019

Sterling Scholars 2018-2019

Speech & Drama - Tanner Faddis

Visual Arts - Marisa Mares

Business & Marketing - Maloree Mitchell

Family & Consumer Science - Miriam James

Computer & Imformation Technology - McKenzy Jeffery

Social Science - CJ Roderick

English & Literature - Allie Peterson

Agricultural Science - Traven Peterson

Science - Dawson Rees

Music - Hannah Morrill

General Scholorship - Bryant Pace


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Sterling Scholars 2021

Sterling Scholar is an incredible program that offers seniors an amazing opportunity to get scholarships. We are lucky to have multiple students from Wayne High School participating in Sterling Scholar. Each of them have a different area of focus, and each of them have worked very hard to get where they are. The following is a list of students participating and their area of focus.


Agricultural Science- Hanna Williams

Dance- Kalina Maw

Family and Consumer Sciences- Shyanne VanDyke

General Scholarship- Paxton Davis

Mathematics- Abbi New

Music- Blake Giles

Science- Abby Stevens

Social Science- Kash Beeler

Speech and Drama- Katie Wilson

Trade and Technology- Brody Durfey

Advisor: Mrs. James


We are so glad to have so many students participating and wish them all the best of luck!

Written By: Elena Peterson (WHS Sophomore)

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