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LES Community Council Meeting Minutes October 2, 2024

Community Council October 2, 2024


Parents: Tacey Wood, Erin Palmer, Keri Denison, Jenny Van Dyke, Beth Ann Rumsey, MIssy Daley

Teachers: Timberlee Wood, Amber Draper

Principal: Wendy Potter


Welcome and introductions: Keri Denison

3:31- Motion to start- Keri Denison, 2nd Erin

3:34-  Keri nominated Erin Palmer as chair, all in agreement. Keri Denison vice chair 

3:35- Keri motioned to approve minutes, Erin 2nd


Next meeting_ January 25th .


Egg drop October 17th, 

Younger kids get bored watching the drop, k-4th will do a different project while the 5th & 6th do the egg drop. 

Thursday drop day, wednesday build day. Both after lunch. 

Build day, 5th & 6th will start after lunch and go to about 2:30 with afternoon recess after the build. 

October 17th- drop day. 5th & 6th grade will go out at 1pm to dorp ad go to about 2:30 with afternoon recess after for all grades. 


Covered district plans. 


Aquarium came. 


Forest service for salmon run next fall, add to spring agenda to discuss taking students up to see. 


Field day- do the older grades similar to middle school with field events. Do the younger grades like the past with the limbo and games. Email Cathy about field day. 


4 day school week- majority are liking it.


4:13- Tacey adjourn meeting 

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