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LES Community Council Meeting Minutes March 2, 2022

LES Community Council Meeting Minutes 3-2-22

Attending:  Missy Daley, Beth Peisner, Wendy Potter (principal), Stacie Ekker (teacher), Andrea Peterson (district), Kari Denison, Amber Draper (teacher)

Welcome:  Wendy Potter

Missy makes a motion to approve the minutes and begin the meeting.  Beth 2nds it.

Wendy passout a copy of the current trustlands budget and talked about there being some carry over.  How much depends on aide hours.  She states that we are on track to spend the allotted amount of money we have.  

Beth stated that we should spend all of our supply money at least, instead of carrying any of that over.  Missy asked if we could let each teacher have some of the money for certain supplies.  Wendy said she would look into it.

Andrea stated that she has ordered the ipads.  Wendy stated that the items Lynsey needs for our music workshops has also been purchased.  She said that there may be some possible stem funds.  

Wendy passed out a final report for 2020-2021 and stated that we met our goals with our early literacy plan.  With our RISE scores, we made a 13% gain in Math, but dropped 2% in both ELA and Science.

A copy of the review of 2021-2022 plan was handed out and Wendy stated that we are following this plan as outlined.  She would like to add Acadiance Math & Reading scores to the goals instead of only using RISE scores.  

Beth asked if there was a way we could offer more money for the paraeducators and if that would possibly help keep them here.  She & Missy suggested a bonus for them as well.  

Some upcoming items that were discussed were the planetarium visiting, Plan B Theater, Lynsey’s music workshops, and the Utah Museum of Fine Arts visit.  Wendy also said she made arrangements for some traveling visual arts exhibitions for next year.  

Kari brought up the Utah Symphony and how she is trying to get in touch with them for outreach programs.  She also stated that Thanksgiving Point has a Tulip program for 3rd graders.  

Another item discussed was the STEM egg drop competition.  Kari will look into the supplies we need for all 3-5 grade students to participate and we will purchase them this year.  When we come back in the fall to start school, we will have volunteers such as parents, high school students, or community members come in and help the students with this project.

Wendy stated that we made $3500 with our Krispy Kreme fundraiser and that we will be upgrading the sandbox, looking into some more outdoor playground equipment, and updating the sound system on the stage.  

Missy motions to close the meeting.  Kari 2nds it.

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