LES Community Council Minutes 11-4-21
LES Community Council Meeting Minutes 11-4-21
Attending: Missy Daley, Kari Denison, Beth Peisner, Kelsie Brinkerhoff, Wendy Potter (Principal), Tacey Wood, Amber Draper (teacher), Stacie Ekker (teacher)
Tacey motions we approve minutes from last meeting. Wendy seconded.
Wendy started the meeting with a discussion about family parent involvement. She stated she will send out invites for the meeting on November 18, 2021. During the meeting, she will go over wall that it means to be a school wide Title I School. We will be having an audit in February.
Wendy also went over the Title I plan and funds. It matches our early literacy plan, as well as our MTSS (multi-tiered systems of support), as well as class-size reduction and 4 day preschool.
Wendy also invited us to the WSD community meeting to help come up with ways to be involved and support for input.
Next, we discussed iPad usage time, as well as Lexia and i-Ready. Missy stated she just wants the teachers to know all of their options and if they are working.
Art night will be December 1, 2021 from 5-7 pm. We will need help setting up, taking money, and selling cookies.
Wendy asked for ideas for our PBIS system Falcon Pride and the Famous Falcons quarterly reward. Some ideas that were mentioned were: movie & popcorn, special lunch, teachers eat with students, root beer floats, sundae bar, and dance party.
Beth said she looked into some ideas for music assemblies. She stated the Plan B Theater has a program and they would be willing to do some play writing as well. She also mentioned she has talked with Lindsey Sheylar about coming in to the school.
The next community council meeting was scheduled for January 6, 2022.
Beth motions to close. Kari seconds it.
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