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LES Community Council Minutes Oct. 8, 2020

Community Council

October 8, 2020

Attending: Pres. Brandi Jones, Vice Pres. Denise Cropper, Tacey Wood, Kelsey Brinkerhoff, Missy Daley, Bekkah Petree, Loryn Morgan, Beth Peisner, Andrea Peterson, April Torgerson (parent/school board), Principal Cherie Blackburn, Stacie Ekker (teacher), & Nicole Shields (teacher)

Welcome: Principal Blackburn

Introduction of new community council member: Beth Peisner

The community council watched the Responsibilities of School Community Council. 

No questions after viewing it.

Principal Blackburn reviewed the current School Land Trust Plan. 

There was discussion on what needed to be done since there was money set aside to help fund a half day art teacher that retired. It was decided to advertise for a part time teacher. If unable to be filled, then hire a paraprofessional to help keep student to teacher ratio down in larger classes.

Needs Assessment- A google docs will be sent out to the community council members. We need to go in and put our input. Parents would like to work on keeping student class sizes small.

It was discussed to send out a possible survey to parents for their point of view of the needs of the elementary. Nothing was proposed to move forward with this. 

Parents wanted to know how many students were on-line due to COVID 19. Our school currently has 7.  Parents wanted to know of different programs available instead of Canvas. Swivel’s and Zoom were discussed. Principal Blackburn will get with the Superintendent to see about Edgenuity.

Mrs. Ekker shared with the council what will be coming up from the HOPE Squad.  The Hope Squad had pizza for lunch today. During lunch the following items were discussed: Red Ribbon Week, a turkey for “Caught being Good,” and the 12 Days of Christmas in December. The Hope Squad will also be taking turns going out during AM recess to get to know the younger students in our school.

Brandi Jones resigned from being President of the Community Council. She would like to continue to serve as a parent. 

Bekkah motioned to have Missy Daley as the new President. 

Brandi 2nd it. All agreed.

Missy accepted becoming the President.

Principal Blackburn asked if there were any other concerns. No one replied.

November 4, 2020 will be our next meeting @ 2:30 pm. 

Tacey Wood motioned to close the meeting. Nicole Shields 2nd it. 

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