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LES Community Council Meeting Minutes March 2024

Community Council March 2024



Parents: Steven Deem, Nadia Harris, Tacey Wood, Keri Dennison 

Teachers: Timberlee Wood,  Amber Draper  

Principal: Wendy Potter


Welcome and introductions: Steven  


Motion to begin meeting and approve minutes by Steven  at 2:55: 2nd Keri, all agree.  


Wendy covered the 24-25 plan, more money for community council due to 6th grade coming to the elementary. Discussed the same plan as this year for art, reading, and paras  for 24-25 school year. 


Budget discussion: Gary Hogg, author to come in March to use the contract services funds, Books- all of the funds will be spent, Supplies- use this towards PE supplies, Software will all be spent with renewals, and Tech Supplies- Jared got a deal on iPads, projectors and keyboards for the left over funds? 


STEM Day was well liked by all, and will do it quarterly. Also talked about additional STEM activities to do in the future.  


Egg drop next fall, oriental trading for egg drop kits? Discussed maybe a hoverboard race for the 6th graders where they have done the egg drop 2 times already.  


Discussed the community council’s involvement with the school traffic plan. Also talked about what is working well for the current traffic plan and what might need to be adjusted. 


Art day, April 17th. Discuss more in the April meeting, PTA helps with the art day at 1pm. 


PTA FIeld day/Fire Truck for May. Also discussed upcoming May dates such as school hikes, and Ag in the classroom. 


Meeting adjourned 3:34: Nadia motioned, Keri  2nd. 

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