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LES Community Council Meeting April 27, 2022

            Loa Elementary Community Council
Loa Elementary Library
2:40 PM
Wednesday April 27, 2022

Parents make a difference. Parents serving on the LES Community Council decide how to spend money allocated from the Land Trust Funds of Utah. We are allocated $138,033 in funds, and these funds can only be allocated by parent input, so your voice matters. 

School Community Council members are often willing volunteers who care about students’ success and overall school improvement. In the process of encouraging parents and school employees to participate in the School Community Council, information about the Council can be found at

Meeting Agenda

  • Review spending and budget




 Available (est)


Salaries & Benefits

$ 86,000.00     

$ 41,396.89     

$ 21,384.75    

$ 23,218.36 

Professional Services    

$   1,500.00 

$      500.00


$   1,000.00 


$   5,000.00 

$   2,340.91 


$   2,659.09 


$   4,000.00 

$   3,588.17 


$      411.83 

Tech Supplies

$ 35,533.47 

$ 32,829.61 


$   2,703.86 


$   6,000.00 

$   5,896.00 


$      104.00 


$ 30,097.14 

  • There likely will be some left depending on hiring and hours worked of current aides.
  • We are spending more from tech supplies for robots. We have a call into the state for spending some of the surplus on teacher ipads and laptops.
  • Next year we want to add an expenditure for STEM field trips.
  • Approve  the 2022-23 plan 
  • SCC Members 22-23
  • End of 4th quarter activity
    • Firetruck
  • We paid Lynsey $500 for music workshop
  • STEM ideas-Egg drop
  • Upcoming meetings: 
  • Next year meeting dates?


A schedule of available trainings for parents/members and a short training video can be accessed at

  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 607