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Freedom Week

freedom week posters

Freedom Week (November 11-November 15) at Wayne High School was filled with many reminders of exactly why we have the freedoms we do. We started the week with some fabulous history information from our history teacher, David Chappell. His stories are always interesting and remind us that others died so we could be where we are, doing what we are doing. Tuesday, our speakers were veterans who have some great connections to Wayne High School. Mr. Larry Bray, former WHS math teacher, and army vet, told of his experiences during his military career. He reminded us that we are strong and can make a difference! Mrs. Debbie James, WHS science teacher, and Marine pilot and vet, told of her helicopter flying experiences and the time she spent defending our country. Mrs. James is a true inspiration for students of Wayne High School, especially girls. On Wednesday, homeroom/study skill classes worked on the spirit increasing task of creating a poster referencing an American hero that the class sees as a favorite American person. The heroes the classes chose had to be someone who has/had done something really great for America. The classes then created a poster highlighting the facts and history of their chosen American hero. The posters are on display in the gym hallway at the high school. Come check them out! On Thursday, we were privileged to hear from Sgt. McKinley, recruitment officer, and Private West Saunders, local high school graduate and hero! We are so lucky to have Sgt. McKinley and his great influence. And, Private Saunders, how lucky are we to be able to see one of our own again! Both men told us of their love of this country and how choosing to serve is just something they do. We are also really proud of our two senior recruits, Private Addison Grundy and Private Jaden Penrod. They make Wayne High, Wayne County, and the United States of America proud!
Special thanks to the Wayne High School student government for putting this great Freedom Week together and helping WHS students and faculty be able to appreciate and understand the service of our veterans.

Nichol Stringham
Wayne High School

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