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Back to School 2020-2021

Welcome back, Badgers! We are so excited to see you all. Also, welcome to all the freshmen and new students this year! We are so excited you’ve joined our Badger Nation. This year may be a bit different than previous years, but it is still going to great. We are all still adjusting to coming back to school, but don’t give up quite yet. It can only get better. (Plus, did you know it actually takes about 15 days to adjust to a change? Isn’t that crazy?) As we come back to school, don’t forget to support your fellow students in all their activities and academic endeavors. Also, don’t forget to show kindness to everyone you see. You don’t have to do something huge to help someone have a better day. A simple hello can sometimes change someone’s entire day. There’s a quote that goes: “Be someone who makes somebody else look forward to tomorrow.” As we all adjust to the changes that have come (and will continue coming), let’s be supportive and help each other out. Welcome back and have a great year, Badgers!

--Elena Peterson (Sophomore WHS)



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