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School Dismissal Update

This is our formal information pertaining to times and office hours for teachers; however, first and foremost, we want you to know that we are here for you. We want you to know that we understand how overwhelming this is for you and your students, and we want you to know we are here for anything you or your student may need. We want the students to feel a solid connection during Social Distancing and we want them to be given a sense of normalcy throughout this ongoing situation.  While we want students to continue to focus on their academic career we know you are being flooded with information and do not want to add to the stress and chaos.  If we work together, remember to breath, and that we are here for each other we can do hard things. With that said the following information will help guide you through school work and times.
The high school is open starting this morning for all students to come and get iPads, books and
all personal belongings out of their hall and PE lockers. We ask that you sanitize before you enter the building.  There will be a table with the sanitizer in the foyer. Several teachers will have packets or books for you to pick up either in the hallways or office.
We will begin with on-line instruction beginning Thursday, March 19th . Instruction will be delivered through Canvas. Teachers will be available Monday – Thursday from 
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Teachers can be reached through Canvas, email, phone or Google Hangout.  Biology students will need their Jurassic Park book, and lab notebooks, Chemistry & Earth Science will need notebooks, ECS will need notebooks, Computer Science, Gaming I, Gaming II all will be online.  English 9 & 11 you will need vocabulary books, & writing journals.  Ag classes will need to pick up your lab books, binders, pasta kits {if applicable} and any supplies you will need to complete your lab books. Financial Lit will need your Dave Ramsey book, Choir will need to pick up a music CD and Teen Living will need to get your packet. Further instructions can be found in Canvas. Drivers education driving will still take place and Mrs. Woolsey will contact you for times and details.
The school library will be open Monday – Thursday from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. for students to
return and check out books.

Some courses such as Yearbook, College Welding, Woodworking, Construction, Art, and Band may need additional lab time scheduled and will schedule times as a needs basis.

Junior students and their parents will still be holding their CCR conference with Mrs. Peterson
from March 23th – April 3rd at their assigned times. 

The Junior Prom has been postponed; all athletic events including practices have been canceled until further notice. Region Music, Drama, State FFA, State HOSA, State FCCLA have
also been canceled.

We appreciate your patience and support as we move to on-line school for the next several
weeks. We will keep you informed of all changes and updates as we receive them.
Thank you for your help and please let us know of any questions and concerns you may have.--

Thank you,
Mary Bray
Wayne High School
{435} 425-3411 -- Phone
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