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Easter Egg-stravaganza

      On March 31st, Mrs. Taft and the FCCLA officers held an Easter Egg-stravaganza! First, there was a super fun egg hunt where the students had to find eggs out in the baseball field. Each student could collect five eggs each and all the eggs had different prizes, such as candy, a cookie, or money! After the egg hunt, the students, (in pairs of two), participated in an egg toss where the student would have to throw the egg to their partner without it breaking. The toss got more challenging as the students would have to back away farther from each other, it was very exciting and we are happy to announce that Ammon Peterson and Ryland Rees won the egg toss!

  • Bryndis Maw (WHS sophomore)

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Phyics B-1 Egg Drop Lab

19 March 2021

The Physics Class is at it again. Another experiment lab came to light, but this time it was a competitive survival. More specifically, every student paired into teams of two to design and produce a container for an egg. The egg would be dropped 15 feet high onto the floor. The egg had to be secure and decently protected. Enough to prevent any damages such as cracks. There were many designs that the students came up with. Some were simple shells to hold the egg. Others had more advanced designs such as the Jacks inspired designs, pyramid inspired designs, and others. Out of all the teams only one survived the fall. Ian Hernandez and Katlin Alred. They had a pyramid shaped container primarily focusing on air resistance than shock absorption or simple sturdiness. Congratulations on being the sole success in protecting the egg from the fall.

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Blake Giles: Winner of Sterling Scholar-Music


     Blake Giles is the Central Utah Sterling Scholar winner in the category of Music. He has been involved with music all his life and has been playing music for eleven years. He plays by ear and is self taught. He plays seven different instruments. Honor Band is an event that he has attended every year throughout high school and middle school. He has also been involved in several leadership roles both academically and within extracurricular programs. He has served as both the Junior class secretary and the Senior class secretary. He is also heavily involved in 4-H and is currently a Utah State 4-H Ambassador which is very difficult to become. He is an Eagle Scout and he currently plans to serve an LDS mission and pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Music at Utah State University where he has received a full presidential scholarship. He has maintained a 3.9 GPA all through school.

     We want to wish a huge congratulations to Blake! We are so proud of him and how he represented Wayne High School. This a huge accomplishment and we want to recognize all the hard work and time that went into becoming the Central Utah Sterling Scholar winner. Make sure to tell Blake good job and congratulations if you get the chance. Congratulations, Blake!

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     -Elena Peterson (WHS Sophomore)

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WHS Biology: Pigeonetics

On February 26th 2021, in Biology we learned about genetics. We learned about pigeons on how these pigeons get their colors from their parents and from their grandparent. We also talked about how they can be trained for racing, we also talked about how soldiers used these pigeons to deliver messages back to their camps to notify other soldiers for help, information, etc.

-Dyrce Pelicano (Sophomore)


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Girls Region Basketball

On Wednesday February 17th, was the day of the play-ins for region. Wayne played Escalante at home. This game would decide what bracket they would be going into for region. Wayne won against Escalante 59-35. On Friday the 19th, it was the first game of region, and Wayne played Milford. This was a pretty good game, but the Wayne girls fell behind in the first half, making it hard to catch up in the second half. Wayne played super hard the second half and caught up quite a bit but it wasn’t enough. Wayne ended up losing to Milford 54-40. For the second day of region the girls were going to be playing for 3rd and 4th place, and would be playing Valley. These teams played each other 3 times before, Valley winning one of them and Wayne winning the other two. This was a close game, not really one that had been in head for too long. Valley had out scored Wayne in the first quarter, but Wayne kept up with them in the other quarters. Valley had scored a few at the end of the fourth quarter and they won. Overall for region the Wayne girls took 4th place! 

-Savannah Williams (WHS Freshman)

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Gymnastics Class at Wayne High School

     Here at Wayne High School, we are lucky to have a gymnastics class. This is a class that we haven’t had for many years, so it is very exciting that we have the opportunity to have this class. This class is taught by Mr. Charles (Chuck) Greco, who has taught gymnastics in previous years. His expertise and knowledge of gymnastics has been very beneficial for all of the students in the class. He teaches them about the technique and strength necessary to perform well in gymnastics, as well as the proper stretching and warming up routines that help prevent injury. All of the students have made great improvements since the beginning of the semester, and there is always great excitement from the rest of the class when one student gets a new skill down or does something well. We want to thank Chuck for all of the work and support he gives to each of the students in his class.

~Elena Peterson (WHS Sophomore)



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Marble Rollercoasters

22 February 2021

In the B-1 Physics, 18 February 2021, class taught by Mrs. James a roller coaster activity was done. The students were to make foam roller coaster tracks and have a marble traverse through the track. Each group of students were given 8 foam noodles, duct tape, and a section of the walls on the hallway to work with. Many students had a fun time making abstract courses with loops and hills.

- Mizuki Ito (WHS Junior)

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