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First Round Triumph

After coming off a tight win against the Milford Tigers the Badgers were excited to out to battle for state. As the Badgers suited up to face off against the Mustangs everyone was on the edge of their seat hoping to put up a win. In the first quarter Badger fans were disappointed to see only 5 points put up by both teams. Coming off a slow first quarter everyone was hoping for a pick-up in the game speed. They again were disappointed when the quarter ended with Wayne not scoring a single point and a score of 5-11. It seemed as if this game was never going to get going, but Wayne came out with a bang. In the third quarter Wayne came out scoring more in a single quarter than they had all year. After adding 27 points to their side they brought the score to 32-17. It seemed that the game was all but over in the third quarter, but Bryce Valley had an answer as they scored 20 of their own, but their late game surge was not enough. The Badgers won 48-38. As the Badgers celebrate this win they prepare to face off against the Rich Rebels at 5:30 PM. Good luck ladies. Take state.
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