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Second Round Fall-Out

Coming off a hard loss from the Valley Buffalos the Badgers seemed to not be able to pull it back together for the game against the Rebels. In the first quarter the Badgers held with the Rebels 11-16. The game still remained close to the end of the half with a score of 24-31. In the third quarter the Badgers fell apart. They allowed over 20 points to be scored by the Rebels and contributed only 7 bringing the score to 31-52. Wayne refused to give up and out scored the Rebels in the fourth quarter, but it wasn’t enough to overcome the bad third quarter. The final score 48-66. As the senior hang up their uniforms for the last time in high school. The underclass man look forward to next year as a new chase begins. The leading score of the game was Wyatt VanOrden with 12 points and 2 3-pointers. He was followed closely by, senior, Colby Taylor with 11 points. Good Job Badgers.
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