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Silencing the Roar

Last night the Badgers face up against an old foe the Milford Tigers.  This is the second time that these teams have played each other.  In the first quarter the lead was hard fought and travelled back and forth between teams.

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Dominating the Cougars

In a very physical battle against the Monument Valley Cougars Wayne came out victorious.  While the Badgers narrowly outscored the Cougars in the first quarter 16 to 17 the Cougars came back

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A Battle of the Ages

This was a hard fought loss for the Badgers.  While the score did not reflect this fight it was a grueling battle.  Wayne just could not get anything to work for them.  While many shots were taken few hit home.  This is a disappointing loss after having a 4 game win streak.  The final score was 59-27.  Garrett Chappell lead the team in scoring with 10 points.  Colby Taylor lead the team in steals with 4.  Please come support these boys as they fight to claim a title in January.  The next game is January 5 against Monument Valley.  The Badgers record is now 6-4.  

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Taming the Tigers

This week the Badgers travelled to Milford to face the undefeated Tigers.  The badgers are on a win streak and not wanting to give in to an undefeated team fought hard.  In the first quarter the Badgers lead by 10 points with a score of 17 to 7.  

Read more …Taming the Tigers

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