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WHS 2024 Hand Book


265 North 400 West

Bicknell, UT  84715

Phone:  (435) 425-3411            Fax:  (435) 425-3480

Principal:  David Chappell

Counselor:  Candence Peterson

Secretary:  Kristin Fillmore



Geneva Peterson         Social Science

Lori Chappell               FACS/FCCLA

Paige Cook                  English/Yearbook

Sherry Ellett                Art

Jessica Grundy           Vo Ag/FFA

Jennifer Hunt             Ednet/Guidance assistant

Austin Moore             Science

Jaden Ellett                Mathematics

Bryson Syme              CTE auto/construction

Erica Taft                   Social worker

Sade Syme.                Band/Choir

Tina Peterson              Drama

Sharon Durfey            Special education

Brynzee Morrill, Vanessa Peterson            Special Ed Assistants

Linda Hunter              Gear Up

Katie Snedeger          Dance

Heidi Woolsey            P.E./Drivers Ed/Health/Athletic Director

Freedom Kezos.         Library

Rick Spearman.         Technology Assistant

Custodians:                Noreen Johnson, Kassie Johnson
Lunch Services:          Danielle Ellett, Thelma Nielson

Head Coaches: 

Jason Jackson          Boys basketball

Doug Stewart             Wrestling

Kerry Stevens           Girls basketball

Mike Bray                  Baseball

Sherry Ellett               Track

Hadley Ellett               Volleyball

Wes Torgrimson         Cross Country

Mindy Hallows.        Cheerleaders

Dan Taylor                Softball

Joe Hiskey.               Golf







Provide a strong foundation for lifelong learning in order for all students to become productive and successful.


  • We believe everyone is a valued individual.
  • We believe parents, teachers, students, and community share in the process of education. However, learning is ultimately the student’s responsibility.
  • Every action has a consequence.
  • We believe high expectations inspire individuals to achieve.
  • We believe a safe environment allows individuals to achieve.
  • We believe a student’s education is enhanced by extra-curricular activities within a system of academic support.


Personalized Education – Limitless Possibilities!


Wayne School District will work together with the community to build a solid educational foundation that motivates, energizes and empowers students to accomplish their individualized goals.


Wayne High School

Graduation Requirements


English                                   4.0

Math                                       4.0

Science                                   3.0

Digital Studies                       .50

Art                                          1.5

Social Studies                        3.0

Financial Lit                           .50

Health                                     .50

Physical Fitness                     1.5

Career & Technical               1.0

Adult Roles                             .50

Electives         2018                6.5 =  27 credits        

                        2019                 9.5 =  30 credits

                        2020                12.5= 33 credits

                        2021                15.5= 36 credits

Once a student is registered, only the counselor,  principal or secretary can change a schedule.  All WHS students are required to have a full schedule (10 classes).  This can be filled with WHS classes, Seminary, college concurrent enrollment courses, or online high school offerings.

Teacher Assistants (TA)

Students who are on track for graduation, may apply to be a Teachers’ Assistant.  The may only be a TA for one class period each quarter.  Teachers will only have one TA for a given period and will be responsible for the TA’s supervision and grade.

Graduation Exercises

Students participating in graduation ceremonies at WHS must have all fees paid and a completed check out form to walk with their class.  All class work must be completed no later than the day of check out.  During graduation exercises, personal items that draw unique attention or detract from the dignity and decorum of the occasion will not be allowed.  Cords or medals signifying achievement, honor or recognition will be issued by Wayne High School.

Valedictorian and Salutatorian - the following will be used thru 2025

The Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be selected after the 3rd quarter of the senior year and will be based on the highest accumulative GPA.  If there is a tie for either Valedictorian or Salutatorian, the composite ACT score will be used to break the tie.  Students must have attended Wayne High School their entire senior year and had a full schedule to be eligible.

Grades and Grading

Wayne High School classes will be graded on the following grade scale:

A = 94% and above

A-= 90% - 93.9%

B+ = 87% - 89.9%

B  =  84% - 86.9%

B- = 80% - 83.9%

C+ - 77% - 79.9%

C  = 74% - 76.9%

C- = 70% - 73.9%

D+ = 67% - 69.9%

D  = 64% - 66.9%

D- = 60% - 63.9%

F  =  Below 60%


Valedictorian and Salutatorian - the following will be used with the graduating class of 2026 and beyond.

1. All candidates must be: 

a. A full-time student at WHS both 11th and 12th grades. 

2. Class rank will be determined by using the following formula:

                 a.  GPA X 840 

b. Highest composite ACT X 5 

         c. 5 Points for each college class that is 3 credits and above. 

3. The student with the highest total Academic points will be named the valedictorian. The student with the second highest Academic points will be named the salutatorian. If two or more competing students have equal and highest Academic points, each will be honored as co-valedictorians. If two or more competing students have equal and the second highest score each will be honored and we will have co-salutatorians. 

4. Students must be in good standing in academics, as well as citizenship. The administration reserves the right to eliminate candidates based on major violations of school or district policies, or criminal law.  If such a situation occurs where there is a question of eligibility a committee of the following individuals will make the decision by a majority vote- (Principal, School Counselor, District Superintendent, and two High School teachers.)

5. A maximum of 2 valedictorians and 2 salutatorians will speak at commencement. If more than 2 qualify, then lots will be drawn to determine the speakers.



Credit Recovery – Credits can be made up through Wayne High School by retaking the course or using the Edgenuity program set up by the counselor. The grade will be changed from a F to the grade received on the transcript.   If credit is made up by another source the credit and grade will be given but the F grade will still remain on the transcript.

Online school policy – Students are able to take online courses through other accredited schools.  First they must make application and get an approval.  On-line, charter school or home school students must be a full-time student to participate in extra-curricular activities and sports. A student is considered full-time if they take 9 credit hours per quarter.


Wayne High students are responsible for maintaining high standards of scholastic honesty.  Academic violations include, but are not limited to:


  • Copying work from another student
  • Using unauthorized materials and/or devices (cell phones, Ipads, smart watches, etc.) when taking quizzes, tests, examinations, etc.
  • Collaborating with other students without permission
  • Obtaining (buying, selling, stealing) unauthorized material and/or tests
  • Submitting work prepared by others

Plagiarism:  the use (by direct quotation or paraphrase) of another’s writing or ideas without proper documentation or acknowledgement.

Wayne High School’s Academic Honesty policy covers all school-related tests, quizzes, reports, class assignments, and projects, both in and out of class.

Any cheating or plagiarism will result in a parent contact.  Work will be confiscated and zeros will be given accordingly.  Work will not be able to be made-up.


Students are expected to dress in a clean and modest manner that will not cause a disruption or distract from the educational process.   The dress code applies during school hours and while attending and participating in school activities.


  • Any apparel, backpacks, water bottles, personal items, etc. displaying profanity, suggestive language, slogans, sexually suggestive or promoting substances illegal by a minor.
  • Shirts and t-shirts with enlarged armholes.
  • Tank tops, halter tops, spaghetti straps, bare midriff, bra straps showing, see through tops, or low cut tops. (Tops must cover bra straps, under the arm and the belly)
  • Leggings that do not have a top that comes below the fingertips.
  • Shorts and skirts above fingertips.
  • Sagging pants showing underwear or pants with excessive holes.
  • Hats, bandanas, or hoods.
  • Pajamas or slippers.
  • Swimwear or dancewear.
  • No bare midriffs or showing of cleavage.


Personal electronic devices include, iPods, cell phones, ear buds, apple watches, and other devices not issued by WHS.  Cell phones and personal electronic devices can only be used before school, between classes, at lunch and after school.  Each classroom will have a specific location to keep phones during class time.

Violations of policy will result in the following incremental, disciplinary action:

  1. First offense. Personal electronic devices will be confiscated.  Students will pick them up from the school office after school.
  2. Second offense. Personal electronic devices will be confiscated.  Parent/Guardian will pick them up from the school office. 
  3. Additional offenses during the year. Personal electronic devices will be confiscated and Parent/Guardian will pick them up from the school office after one (1) week.

The use of cameras is strictly forbidden in private areas such as locker rooms, bathrooms, and dressing rooms.

I-pads are school issued to each student and are to be used for education only.


State Compulsory Attendance Law (Utah Code Sec. 53A-11-101) directs parents to require their school age minor children to be enrolled in and attend school.  Few factors have greater influence on student success than regular attendance.

Absence – An absence is defined as any time a student is not in attendance in the class to which he or she has been assigned. 

Excused Absence – Students will receive an excused absence for illness and/or medical visits with a medical note after the 5th absence per quarter, death of family member, an approved school activity, or any other reason established by the district as valid.  Family vacations will be excused if notice is given 24 hours in advance.   Teachers have the option of not giving credit for assignments from non-excused absences.

School Excused Absence – A student is not considered absent from class if the student is involved in an approved school activity.  This would include school field trips, athletic events, club activities, region and state contests, and other activities approved by the school administrator.  Students will not be considered excused from school until the office announces release of those students involved.

Tardy – Reporting to class after the bell has sounded is considered a tardy.  A student more than twenty (20) minutes late will be considered absent.  Students with three (3) tardies in any one class will receive one day of lunch detention or one hour after school detention.  For each tardy after three (3), one additional detention will be issued per tardy.   Accumulated tardies start over at the end of each quarter.

Truant – A student is truant if they are absent from class without prior parent verification and signing out at the school office.    Parent verification excuses the student from being truant, but does not excuse them from an absence or tardy.  Teachers have the discretion to refuse work for those students deemed truant.

Leaving Campus – Before the student leaves school during the day, the student will check out through the main office by supplying the office with verified parental permission.   Upon returning to the school, the student will check in at the office.  If a student is late to school they need to sign in at the office.


The advisor of the trip or activity will be responsible to check on the following to ensure eligibility to participate in extra-curricular trips and activities.

  1. Grades – Students must have a GPA of 2.0 and no F’s on the current grade check.
  2. No safe school infractions including tobacco, drugs, alcohol or bullying.
  3. Fees for the activity must be paid in advance.
  4. Students must attend the entire day of school to participate in the activity (exceptions must be cleared with the administration).
  5. Students must use school transportation to and from school activities. Extra-curricular activities are an important part of a student’s experience at Wayne High School and students are encouraged to be involved.


No food or drinks allowed in classrooms.  School breakfast and lunch are to be eaten in the cafeteria.



Wayne High School Campus Policy

Wayne High School Campus is closed: Monday-Thursday 8:15AM-11:40AM & 12:17PM-3:05PM

Wayne High School Campus is closed: Friday 8:15AM-12:20PM

Wayne High School Campus is open: Monday-Thursday 11:40-12:17PM

Wayne School District will not be liable for students when they are off campus.

During the hours of Open Campus the students:

  • Are allowed to leave campus without documented parent authorization.
  • Could be marked tardy or absent depending on when they return to the campus (See WHS Attendance Policy)

During the hours of Closed Campus the students:

  • Will only be allowed to leave campus with documented parent authorization.
  • Will only be excused from office.
  • Will need to check out and back in through the office when they return.
  • Will be considered truant if they leave campus without correct authorization.
  • Will receive after school detention (ASD) for truancy.


  • Are to report to the main office.
  • Student's relatives or friends are not allowed to attend school or be on school grounds during school hours.


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  • Hits: 4704