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Wolverines Wrap up Basketball Season

by Gage New

Wayne middle school just finished their basketball season. All the teams did a tournament to end the basketball season. The 6th graders’ girls took 5th. The 6th grade boys took 2nd. The 7th and 8th-grade boys took 3rd. The 7th-grade girls took 1st. The 8th-grade girls took 4th.

The boys and the girls thought that the teams were fair. The 7th-grade girls team they took first. Lilly thought that the first game was easy and the second game was a lot harder. Milford was Lilly's favorite team to play against, she said: “They made us work harder because they are better”.

The 8th-grade girls took 4th in the tournament. Timber definitely wants to play in high school. Timber thought that their team did decent. Timbers favorite team to play against was Bryce valley and that was her favorite because “they dominated”. Blake thought that Bryce valley was fun to play against because “we spanked Bryce valley”. I asked him if he is planning on playing in high school and he said “yes baby”.

 7 girls basketball team

6 boys basketball

8 girls basketball

pictures 7th grade girls by JoNeal VanDyke, 6th grade boys & 8th grade girls Tacey Wood

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