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New Year, New Me

It’s the beginning of a New Year. Like many of us now, people set resolutions. Middle school students are no exception. Resolutions help us set a mindset of achievement and help us work towards them. Getting schoolwork on time can be hard sometimes, for many students.

Emily S., a 7th grader, has a positive opinion on school work. “Resolutions are good and bad, they're hard to keep in some ways.”. One resolution that Emily has is getting school work on time. She plans to finish these goals by next quarter. During New Years, everyone is going places. Emily went to her grandparents’ house, “We had a big dinner, and a lot of people came over.” Lots of people try to accomplish these goals,but end up not doing them.

Emily was determined to get better at her goals. She says that she did well last year at keeping her resolutions. was a rough year, but something good must come out of it. “I liked the quarantine, you could be an introvert by yourself.”, said Emily. Something She wants to see in 2022 is improvements in schools and more ethical improvements in the county.

Kortnee B., a 6th grader, thinks that New Year Resolutions are good. As previously said by Emily, Kortnee also wants to get good grades. She wants to finish these grades by the end of the quarter. “We stayed home, and went to grandma’s house for New Year’s.”, she explained. She dearly wants to get better at keeping up with her resolutions. “I did pretty well keeping up with my resolutions,'' said Kortnee. Something that she wants this year is to have a happier family.

Crosby S., an 8th grader, thinks that New Year's resolutions are kind of pointless. One goal that he has is being smart. He wants to complete these goals throughout the whole year and school. He said that he went to a friend's house and went fishing a lot, throughout the year. He stated that he enjoyed doing these activities. He picked the goals simply so he can achieve something. “I failed last year's goals.”. Something that he hopes can happen in 2022 is having Covid-19 to stop. In my opinion, I think that New Year’s resolutions are bad and good, as said by Emily. I think that resolutions can be helpful but kind of hard to keep. Resolutions are simply a choice to many, while to others it’s a couple of goals.

By Alejandro Rosales, 8th grade

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