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E-sports Club

E-sports is a gaming club and its really not about sports, you see it is video games!  All types of video games and Mr. Moore is the head coach of this club. I asked him some questions...

Q. Why did you decide to join this video gaming club and why did you decide to coach the Esports club?

A. I want students to enjoy their time here at school and for the students to enjoy video games.

Q. What do you like about video games?

A. Because they are very competitive and because I want all

the students relax a little after school and have fun.

Q. Who is funding the Esports club?

A. Ken  Garff, the car dealership.  They gave us a grant.  That’s how we afford everything like the Nintendo Switches and extra controllers.

Q. Where does the club take place?

A. Tuesdays and Thursdays in my room.

Q. When does it start?

A. 3pm and it goes until 4pm, or a little later because sometimes we get caught up when we’re playing video games.


by Skye Davis- 8th grade

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