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WMS School Community Council Agenda

WMS School Community Council

Meeting Agenda

October 15th,  2020 @ 5:00 p.m. (WMS Library)

1 - Chair & Secretary: 



2 - SCC Training & Roles:

Roles and Descriptions of Roles

Additional Training Opportunities

3 - School Land Trust Money:

Current Plan Link

Add amendment adjusting Goal 1 and Goal 3. Goal 1 was Tom Gulley. Tom is now 

paid out of DTL (Digital Teaching & Learning). Nathaniel was funded to do Science

intervention course. He moved and those funds are now needed to supplement our 

Special Education paraprofessional.

Vote Required:

Yes- No- Absent-

4 - School Safety

Resource Link

A-Digital Citizenship

Common Sense Media-Via Nearpod

B-School Safety

1-Emergency Drills/Plans

2-Bus Loading & Unloading

-Bicknell Town no longer wants to do stop signs. Any ideas?

5 - Meeting Schedule: We need to adopt and post a meeting schedule for the year.

Possible Dates: December 7, February 8,  April 12 @ 5:00 pm-

Vote Required:

Yes- No- Absent-

6 - Other Ideas/Needs

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