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T.R.A.C.K.(ing) Wolverine Citizens

Here at Wayne Middle School we have started a program called Wolverine T.R.A.C.K.S. to promote what it means to be a positive and contributing citizen of our school, and beyond into our communities and country. Over the course of the next days and weeks we will be introducing this program to WMS students, to you as parents, and to our communities. 

Yesterday we introduced information about what being a citizen means. Citizenship is defined as “being a member of and supporting one’s community and country.” 

How do we define community?  We are all members of many communities.  Some examples include: Wayne Middle School, our families, sports teams, dance classes, the casts of plays, 4-H etc.   

We asked our students to respond to the following prompt:
For today, provide one example of how you hope to be a Wolverine citizen over the next week. 

We wanted to show a few examples of what we got! We are proud of our students who are all becoming GREAT citizens!


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